PSP homebrew – Lua MP3 v0.2
December 11, 2009
Homebrew coder ac-portugal has released the first version LuaMP3, a simple MP3 player programmed in Lua with a loading bar similar to the iPhone. The latest update has added lots of new features and fixes some minor bugs from the previous release.
Download: Lua MP3 v0.2

Homebrew coder ac-portugal has released the first version LuaMP3, a simple MP3 player programmed in Lua with a loading bar similar to the iPhone. The latest update has added lots of new features and fixes some minor bugs from the previous release.
- The boot was removed.
- For the homebrew works, the necessary drivers are installed at startup. S’lis are already present, the homebrew will run directly on the list of music.
- The battery icon has been removed and replaced by the percentage of battery.
- Access options is available throughout the drive.
- Possibility to move the lever via the joystick.
- Ability to lower / increase the screen brightness in the options.
- Ability to enable / disable the joystick in the options (including the joystick which bugguent).
- Bar in the scrolling list of music.
- A bar sound was added when a file is read.
- If the HOLD button is activated, the screen turns itself off.
- Ability to delete files in the list with music circles.
- The time and the percentage of battery appears across the homebrew.
- If the name of the artist, album name and title do not exist, the homebrew will not display anything, whereas in the previous version, it displays “Unknown”.
- Some parts of the code have been improved.
- Alert when the battery drops below 5%
- All configuration files have been deleted and every effort was made in a single config file
- The key tips_home_small was blocked to leave, you must press select.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Download: Lua MP3 v0.2