PSP homebrew – LuaMP3 v0.1
November 17, 2009
Homebrew coder ac-portugal has released the first version LuaMP3, a simple MP3 player coded in Lua. Some of the features of the initial release includes — ability to chnage the CPu speed, display the time, loading bar identical to the iPhone and more.
Download: LuaMP3 v0.1
Homebrew coder ac-portugal has released the first version LuaMP3, a simple MP3 player coded in Lua. Some of the features of the initial release includes — ability to change the CPu speed, display the time, loading bar identical to the iPhone and more.
Feature list:
- Using IntraFont for display
- Time
- Displaying the current folder
- Display name of the artist, title of the current music and the album name
- Loading bar (almost identical, to that of the iPhone)
- Display time
- Display of full-time music
- Pause, reading
- Play next previous reading
- Possibility of activated random or repetitive in options
- Possibility to change the CPU speed in the options
Download: LuaMP3 v0.1
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