PSP homebrew – Magic: The Life Counter v1.0
Homebrew dev dragula96 has released a rather useful PSP app for those who play the Magic: The Gathering TCG. The app, called Magic: The Life Counter, does just what its name says. It keeps track of the life counters for up to four players.
Download: Magic: The Life Counter v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
Homebrew dev dragula96 has released a rather useful PSP app for those who play the Magic: The Gathering TCG.
The app, called Magic: The Life Counter, does just what its name says. It keeps track of the life counters for up to four players. The app also underclocks the PSP to 100mhz, which would hopefully help on saving battery life.
Dragula96 says that background cycling and player text input (so you can enter player names instead of the default “Player 1”, “Player 2”, etc) are planned for the next release. If you have any bug reports or suggestions, click on the Visit link below to tell the dev.
Download: Magic: The Life Counter v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
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