PSP homebrew – Mobile Suit Z-Gundam demo (OpenBOR)

brewbluOpenBOR mod coder extraordinaire NickyP has dropped by our forums to release his latest project, a homebrewed version of Mobile Suit Z-Gundam compiled using the Beats of Rage beat em up game engine for the PlayStation Portable.

Download: Mobile Suit Z-Gundam demo (OpenBOR)

Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums



OpenBOR mod coder extraordinaire NickyP has dropped by our forums to release his latest project, a homebrewed version of Mobile Suit Z-Gundam compiled using the Beats of Rage beat em up game engine for the PlayStation Portable.

Developer’s note:

Mobile Suit Z-Gundam is one of my favorite animes, so naturally I’d make something about it at some point. This release is also my first official “shmup”, as previous attempts were just proofs of concept.

This is a mod I’ve worked on for a while but then stopped working on it, so I’ve decided to release what I have so far. I have a bunch of other projects like that, so be on the lookout, might surprise you guys.

For more info about the release, please check the README included in the download.


Download: Mobile Suit Z-Gundam demo (OpenBOR)

Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums

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