PSP homebrew – Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CFW0005

PSP homebrew - Image 1PSP homebrew dev pegasus2000 has released the core CFW0005 version of Nanodesktop Blind Assistant that we previewed a while back. Blind Assistant is a homebrew app that aims to help vision-impaired people by using a relatively simple commercial device like the Sony PSP.

Download: Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CW0005 (official dl site)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

PSP homebrew: Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CW0005 - Image 1

PSP homebrew dev pegasus2000 has released the core CFW0005 version of Nanodesktop Blind Assistant that we previewed a while back. Blind Assistant is a homebrew app that aims to help vision-impaired people by using a relatively simple commercial device like the Sony PSP.

This version incorporates ndFLite voice synthesizer, which basically lets it talk to the vision-impaired person using it. It also has an ndPocketSphinx speech recognition engine that lets it answer to voice commands.

Here’s a closer look at the five new features that Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CW0005 has:

  • a face recognition engine, that can recognize the names of the people that are present in the room (and the position in the screen), using PentLand algorithm. Our version of the algorithm uses VFPU to speed up the computations.
  • a room recognizer, that can recognize the room in which the blind is, through a x86 server (BlindServer) and the SIFT (Scalar Image Feature Transform) algorithm.
  • a optical char recognition engine, that can read to the blind a text that is grabbed by the camera
  • a colour scanner, that is able to say to the blind what is the average color of the image that is grabbed by the camera in that moment. This is useful for the blind for recognizing the color of an object that is in front of it
  • a mail reader, that can read the mail that the blind receives from a POP3 server.

It’s a pretty big download, so be informed that the download link below points to Blind Assistant’s official download site. If you have any suggestions, questions, or you just want to give pegasus2000 a virtual high-five, click on the Visit link below.

Download: Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CW0005 (official dl site)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

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