PSP homebrew – ndPython S252N04V04
pegasus2000 has given us the heads up on the release of ndPython S252N04V04, an interpreter that is able to execute a Python program supported on every platform supported by Nanodesktop, like the PSPE and PSP.
pegasus2000 has given us the heads up on the release of ndPython S252N04V04, an interpreter that is able to execute a Python program supported on every platform supported by Nanodesktop, like the PSPE and PSP.
For this new version, S252N04V04, it features the Nanodesktop 0.4 core and the Stackless
Python 2.52 interpreter. According to the notes:
The interpreter supports many standard Python modules (as networkmodule), it is accelerated in hardware and uses VFPU automatically,it is optimized and stable. Our interpreter has been designed to follow all standards and in way to be highly portable (it uses Nanodesktop HAL – Hardware Abstraction Layer).
As you can see in Visilab website, the system is composed by three components:
a) the interactive interpreter that executes the Python instructions typed by the user in an interactive way;
b) the compiler that can create a byte-coded executable (.pyc) starting for a Python source (.py);
c) the executor that can execute a .pyc byte-coded program.
Through a special wrapper, called ndWrapper the programmer can use all functionalities supplied by Nanodesktop 0.4: it is possible even to use a Python routine as Nanodesktop callback.
For further details and to download, head to the site linked in the VIa section below. You may also join the discussion over at our forums also linked below.
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Via Visilab