PSP homebrew: new iR Shell v4.92 released, supports DAX’s LEDA
It’s not quite that uber cool “advanced multi-tasking” iR Shell just yet, but here’s a new version coming straight from AhMan. Think of this as an interim update. iR Shell v4.92 paves the way to incorporate support for Dark AleX‘s LEDA tool and RemoteJoy improvements.
Thanks to Fadil for the heads up!
Download: iR Shell v4.92
It’s not quite that uber cool “advanced multi-tasking” iR Shell just yet, but here’s a new version coming straight from AhMan. Think of this as an interim update before the next big version rolls out. For now, iR Shell v4.92 paves the way to incorporate support for Dark AleX‘s LEDA tool.
- New Features:
- Added support to Dark_AleX’s LEDA. Pls note iR Shell only supports LEDA version 0.2. To enable LEDA support within iR Shell, enable the option “Legacy Homebrew Support via DA’s LEDA” under iR Configurator.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed most game audio stuttering while mp3 is playing.
- Fixed PPA plugin crashing with nethostfs/usbhostfs access.
For those who are waiting for the advanced multi-tasking version of iR Shell, AhMan reveals that it’s currently running Beta tests already. Back when he gave us a sneak peek, it was in Alpha. Don’t go pressuring him for a release because as he says, it “will be released when it’s ready.” Can’t rush perfection, right?
Thanks to Fadil for the heads up!
Download: iR Shell v4.92
Related articles:
- PSP homebrew news: AhMan teases new iR Shell with advanced multi-tasking feature
- AhMan in the house: new iR Shell v4.9 released, PSN games support, TV mode
- LEDA – Legacy Software Loader beta 0.2: increased compatibility
Via iR Shell