PSP Homebrew: PMPlayer Advance v3.0.6
October 12, 2009
Here’s version 3.0.6 for Cooleyes‘ PMP Advance Player for the PSP, thanks to the heads up given by tipster thrikulam.
Here’s version 3.0.6 for Cooleyes‘ PMP Advance Player for the PSP, thanks to the heads up given by tipster thrikulam.
The last time we had any updates on this project of his was way back in June, so this release certainly is most welcome. Check out what’s new with this version of the PSP’s alternative media player.
Version 3.0.6
- added ASS,SSA subtitle Supported
- added 3GP file Supported “
Download: PMPlayer Advance v3.0.6
Previous Release:
Via Cooleyes