PSP homebrew: pong.MODERN
A near-final version of pong.MODERN (Pong for the modern man!) has been released. Those who love the old-school Atari classic should definitely give this PSP homebrew re-imagining a whirl.
Download: pong.MODERN
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
Homebrew developer Daniel Chan has released a near-final version of pong.MODERN (“Pong for the modern man!”) for RetroEmu’s homebrew competition. Those who love the old-school Atari classic should definitely give this PSP homebrew re-imagining a whirl.
pong.MODERN features a “non-weeny” A.I., a new scoring system, and a total of five different game modes. These modes include the “Luv Takes 2” two-player mode and “Frantic”, where the game’s speed increases the longer you play. Classic Pong action also makes an appearance in the form of pong.DINOSAUR.
Customization fans will also want to check out the game’s customizability. Sounds, music, graphics, and even the game menu can be changed to suit individual tastes. There’s a rather in-depth explanation of what you can customize in the documentation bundled with the game, be sure to check out the readme. If you come across any bugs
Download: pong.MODERN
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
Related homebrew articles:
- Foot Pong v0.3 – added more players, new field, and difficulty mode (PSP)
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- Homebrew: PS3 Pong with better AI and themes (PS3)
- Pimp my Pong – rumbling paddle fun with Wii remote (Wii)
Via RetroEmu