PSP Homebrew – PressMe 0.0.2
The PSP homebrew developer who brought us the Niko Bellic skins for dragula96‘s TetriAbetes, stifpsp, is back with another brew, and this time it’s C-coded PressMe 0.0.2. If you’re new in the homebrew community, then you gotta check this one out, cos it was made especially with you guys in mind.
Download: PressMe 0.0.2
PSP homebrew developer stifpsp is back with another homemade goodie, and this time, it’s a C-coded application for your PSP needs. If you’ll remember, he was also the same guy who brought us the Niko Bellic skin for dragula96‘s TetriAbetes.
Now, this new brew of his, PressMe 0.0.2, was specifically made to help out newbies in the brew community. According to his notes, “this utility can check that your keys are working properly.”
This release has 12 buttons as of yet:
- Top
- Left
- Bottom
- Right
- Triangle
- Square
- Cross
- Round
- L
- R
As for additional stuff:
Many people on forums no longer come back to the XMB properly when they are full games and croyent while it is a problem which is not hardware. With this homebrew, you will know whether this is the case. If you run the homebrew and he tells you that a key is pressed, is that it is stuck, and it is therefore hardware. 😉 I put online the source code and of course free to developers of do what they want. 🙂
Be sure to check out the readme for more information and installation guide for PressMe 0.0.2.
Download: PressMe 0.0.2
Previous stifpsp Releases:
Via stifpsp