PSP homebrew – PRXdecrypter v2.4a
March 10, 2010
Here’s a quick update released by jas0nuk on his PRXdecrypter, a very handy homebrew app that allows you to decrypt, decompress and extract the different modules of the PSP. The latest update of the brew has added a new key to fix an error from the previous release.
Download: PRXdecrypter v2.4a
Here’s a quick update released by jas0nuk on his PRXdecrypter, a very handy homebrew app that allows you to decrypt, decompress and extract the different modules of the PSP. The latest update of the brew has added a new key to fix an error from the previous release.
PRXdecrypter can decrypt/decompress/extract:
- firmware modules from official firmwares (up to 6.20)
- updater modules from official updaters, including obfuscated ones
- official updater DATA.PSP
- reboot.bin and reboot_02g.bin from all retail firmwares
- EBOOT.BIN and modules from all retail games (up to 6.20), and non-retail/testing EBOOT.BIN files
- M33 custom firmware modules
- RLZ files
- KL4E files
- meimg.img and me_sdimg.img
- demos and game sharing DATA.PSP files
- index.dat
- New EBOOT.BIN key added – fixes “tag error 0x2E5E10F0”
- Can extract nand_updater+lfatfs_updater from old (not 6.00+) updater DATA.PSP again
Download: PRXdecrypter v2.4a
Via [PSP Hacks]