PSP homebrew – PSARDumper FW 6.xx
Head’s up to the PSP homebrew community! Homebrew coder bbtgp has released a new version of PSARDumper, the very handy homebrew utility that allows you to dump and decrypt PSP firmwares. The latest update of the app now supports firmware 6.00, 6.10 and 6.20.
Download: PSARDumper FW 6.xx
Head’s up to the PSP homebrew community. Homebrew coder bbtgp has released a new version of PSARDumper, the very handy homebrew utility that allows you to dump and decrypt PSP firmwares. The latest update of the app now supports firmware 6.00, 6.10 and 6.20.
Developer’s note:
Here is the psardumper for 6.00 6.10 and 6.20. It supports 01g and 02g kernel decryption.
Luckily the keys where the same for all the eboots so i only had the crack the 6.20 keys. If anything is wrong or i uploaded the wrong files please tell. Tested and cracked on slim.
PS: should make finding those exploits easier…and if someone already uploaded something like this forgive me. guess i wasted 2 months of my life cracking these damn keys :\
Thanks to Mallinersha for the tip!
Download: PSARDumper FW 6.xx
Via [LAN.ST]