PSP homebrew – PSP Bible
For the religious conservative sort, here’s an app that you might find useful. It’s PSP Bible and it basically lets you view and read the Bible and its contents on your PSP, making it a substitute for the holy book. Your handheld is definitely smaller and lighter than most Bibles, plus it’s made of tougher stuff that won’t tear and shrivel up as easily as Bible pages do.
Download: PSP Bible
For the religious conservative sort, here’s an app that you might find useful. It’s PSP Bible and it basically lets you view and read the Bible and its contents on your PSP, making it a substitute for the holy book. Your handheld is definitely smaller and lighter than most Bibles, plus it’s made of tougher stuff that won’t tear and shrivel up as easily as Bible pages do.
Developer Kehon has finished the new testament so far, but the old hasn’t been done yet, so it seems he’s halfway there.
Download: PSP Bible
More PSP homebrew:
Via Kehon’s Forums