PSP homebrew – PSP Black System v0.3
June 23, 2009
NOS32 has come out with his PSP homebrew application, PSP Black System v0.3. This app offers you several functions, which you can check out after the jump.
Download: PSP Black System v0.3
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
NOS32 has come out with his PSP homebrew application, PSP Black System v0.3. This app offers you several functions, such as the following:
- See the information on PSP
- Dump UMD
- Start ISO
- File Manager
- Enable USB
- Disable USB
- Enable the USB (flash 0)
- Start the UMD from ‘HB
For the changes in this latest version:
- An mp3-player
- You can configure the speed of the cpu
- Allows you to update the firmware and custom firmware
- The Internet-Browser
Download: PSP Black System v0.3
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
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