PSP homebrew – PSP CheatUp v0.20
Homebrew coder raing3 is back to release a new update for PSP CheatUp, a handy homebrew app designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP’s Wifi and a wireless internet connection. The latest update has added some more useful functions and bug fixes.
Download: PSP CheatUp v0.20
Discuss: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Homebrew coder raing3 is back to release a new update for PSP CheatUp, a handy homebrew app designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP’s Wifi and a wireless internet connection.
The latest update has added some more useful functions and bug fixes. Currently, the homebrew app can automatically detect and install cheats for CheatMaster Fusion, coderPR, CWCheat and NitePR.
Version 0.20 changelog:
- Added: Application can now be updated from the PSP (Other > Check for Update).
- Fixed: Crash when showing Gamelist or Changelog if cheat archive has not been downloaded.
- Fixed: Bug which caused old cheats to be removed even if user says no. Please note that old cheat files will still be overwritten by the new ones, this is meant to prevent nitePR, CMF and coderPR files from being removed if codes don’t exist in the DB.
- Other: Application now checks to ensure you have downloaded cheat archive before allowing the user to install cheats.
- Other: The user is now presented with an overwrite message before allowing them to install cheats.
- Other: If the cheat database is already the same as the one on the server the user will no longer be prompted to update.
Download: PSP CheatUp v0.20
Discuss: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
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