PSP homebrew – PSPdisp v0.3
July 10, 2009
It took a while, but developer JJS has released a new version of PSPdisp, an app that lets you use your PlayStation Portable as an extra PC monitor. This latest release adds sound streaming, a new WLAN mode, and more. Hit the jump for the changelog and a video demonstrating some of the new features.
Download: PSPdisp v0.3
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
It took a while, but developer JJS has released a new version of PSPdisp, an app that lets you use your PlayStation Portable as an extra PC monitor. This latest release adds sound streaming, a new WLAN mode, and more. Here’s a video demonstrating some of the new features.
New features:
- SideShow driver for Vista and Windows 7
- speed improvements / CPU load reduction
- CPU load reduction (down to 0 % without screen changes) when using the PSPdisp display driver
- rotation is now performed on the PSP, no increase in CPU load on the PC
- quality and delay settings now customizable through the UI
- completely revamped Wlan mode (switched server to the PC, can now recover from a lost connection etc.)
- added option to disable display streaming (only transmitting controls)
- new option to always switch the PSP display to the screen containing the mouse cursor
- new control file command to display an onscreen keyboard for entering text on the PSP
- new control file command to display the PSPdisp menu at the current mouse position
- added support for the assignment of key combinations to PSP buttons (e.g. ALT+F4 can be mapped to one button)
- various settings regarding PSP power saving in USB mode (turning off screen, reducing clock speed, etc. after a user defined idle timeout)
- PSP clockspeed can be configured for Wireless LAN mode (default, 111, 222, 333 Mhz)
- all user defined files (configuration data and control files) now stored in the application data path
- experimental audio streaming
Bug fixes:
- case of analog stick movements not being registered
- the two longest delay settings are now clickable
- “grab transparent windows” now actually works (only for 480×272 viewport)
Known issues:
- there are cases where the PSP waits for a Wlan timeout infinitly, making it seem to hang without any message (always fixed by restarting the PSP game, often fixed by turning the Wlan switch off and on again)
- audio will stutter if data cannot be transmitted fast enough either because of the network conditions or low PC specs
- some applications issue drawing commands without apparent screen changes, in that case there is no CPU load reduction available when using the PSPdisp display driver
Download: PSPdisp v0.3
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
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