PSP homebrew – PSPedict v0.4
Homebrew coder batanen has dropped by our forums to release a new version of PSPedict, the very handy Japanese / English homebrew dictionary for your PlayStation portable, originally coded by PixelDragon.
Download: PSPedict v0.4
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder batanen has dropped by our forums to release a new version of PSPedict, the very handy Japanese / English homebrew dictionary for your PlayStation portable, originally coded by PixelDragon.
Developer’s note:
This is my first PSP / community related release ever. I have continued the PSPedict project started by PixelDragon. He was kind enough to give me the latest source code and a few tips to get started.
Basically, this is a Japanese dictionary application for the PSP. PSPedict supports own studylists so you can use it even for learning new words.
- Kanji seach by SKIP code: This works only with the English OSK (triangle). Start the input with #. Next write the SKIP code separated by spaces. For example, input #1 4 5 searches kanjis that belong to the first pattern. Left character should have 4 strokes and right 5 strokes. You may also use number 0 as a meaning of anything.
- Kanji search by stroke count: Again you need to use the English OSK and start the input with #. Then comes the number of strokes. E.g. #3 searches kanjis that have a stroke count of 3.
- Kanji search by SKIP and stroke count: You may combine the previous two methods by writing the SKIP code first and then the stroke count. E.g. #1 0 0 5 searches all kanjis that belong to the pattern 1 and have a stroke count of 5.
- Hide kanji/kana/description: Added a new option to hide these from every menu.
- Custom dictionary: A new dictionary that the user may use for adding his/her own words and definitions. You may use JWPce for this. The file already has a few examples, so you know what you should be doing. Remember to save the file as custom.sjs if you don’t overwrite the existing one.
- Randomize Study List: While in Study List, press select. Not a perfect algorithm, but works. The location of the arrow selection has some effect.
- Some minor bugs: There are some minor bugs when the new features are used; some I could even call as “features”. E.g. kanjidic has a habit to randomize when the new search method is used. Hey, it may be a good thing! Shouldn’t have any major ones, though. However, I am already aware of a few not-completely-user-friendly bugs. Those are pretty minor, nevertheless.
Download: PSPedict v0.4
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums