PSP homebrew – PSPiton v0.41
February 27, 2009
PSP homebrew dev eloivanelst has released an update for PSPiton on the QJ.NET PSP Development forums. PSPiton is a simple app that lets you downgrade or upgrade your PSP. It also contains information and links to several other useful homebrew applications. A complete changelog is in the full article.
Download: PSPiton v0.41
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
PSP homebrew dev eloivanelst has released an update for PSPiton on the QJ.NET PSP Development forums. PSPiton is a simple app that lets you downgrade or upgrade your PSP. It also contains information and links to several other useful homebrew applications.
Here are the changes in PSPiton v0.41:
- More apps added (as always);
- Fixed a bug when you pressed on the about button a error popped-up;
- Added a rating system in the info menu;
- Added a button which gives you the chance to have your app on PSPiton ^^;
- Added a icon;
- Colored text bars;
- Updated LEDA v0.1 to v0.2. (Thanks z7shaft for reporting)
Download: PSPiton v0.41
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum
Previous PSPiton releases: