PSP homebrew – PSPMoney v2.3
September 2, 2009
Homebrew coder uPSP_08 has released a new update for PSPMoney, a homebrew currency converter for the PSP that supports English and German languages. The latest update now runs under the Phoenix Game Engine (PGE).
Download: PSPMoney v2.3
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder uPSP_08 has released a new update for PSPMoney, a homebrew currency converter for the PSP that supports English and German languages. The latest update now runs under the Phoenix Game Engine (PGE).
Available currencies:
- US-Dollar
- British Pound
- Iraqi Dinar
- Euro
- Japanese Yen
- gold value (oz)
- German Mark (historical)
Version 2.3 changelog:
- now running under the Phoenix Game Engine (PGE)
- new intro screen
- updating the exchange rates works now without the browser
- bugs fixed
Download: PSPMoney v2.3
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
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