PSP homebrew – PSPuht v1.2.0

chotto_shot_thumbIt’s been a while since we last head from homebrew coder Mcidclan, but now his back to release a new version of PSPuht, a development library for aspiring developers that allows you to add head and hand tracking features to your homebrew projects using the PSP Go!Cam.



Download: PSPuht v1.2.0

It’s been a while since we last head from homebrew coder Mcidclan, but now his back to release a new version of PSPuht, a development library for aspiring developers that allows you to add head and hand tracking features to your homebrew projects using the PSP Go!Cam.




Developer’s note:


PSPuht is a development library to use head or hand tracking in yours applications. It allows developers to implement applications that can interact with players through the go!Cam.

How it works:
PSPuht is based on image processing. Basicaly, it identifies pixels values probably belonging to skin color. This, in order to define a monochrome cloud corresponding to the tracked entity. Then, it evaluates the cloud position.

How to use it:
3 pspgu exemples are provided in the same archive in the library. Warning. For better results while using software working with this library, please, be aware of the following recommendations:

  1. Use in a place, well lit by white light
  2. Stand back to a white clean wall
  3. Wear monochrome clothing, white or gray
  4. For head-tracking, wear Turtleneck
  5. For hand-tracking, wear long sleeves

For more info about the release, please head over to the source link below.


Download: PSPuht v1.2.0



Via [Mcidclan]

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