PSP homebrew – STuning v1
Straight from our very own forums is EsTuArT’s first homebrew app release, STuning v1. It’s as simple tool fro flashing the PSP resources, like the Waves, battery icon, volume bar, etc., but it sure looks great.
Download: STuning v1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
Straight from our very own forums is EsTuArT’s first homebrew app release, STuning v1. It’s as simple tool fro flashing the PSP resources, like the Waves, battery icon, volume bar, etc., but it sure looks great.
He entered this brew for the SceneryBeta 2009 and now he wants to share it with you all. Do not though that this is only workable for CF 5.5 MHU/ Gen. For more information, make sure to read the accompanying ReadMe in the file.
Download: STuning v1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
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