PSP Homebrew – TimeTrainer v0.6
TeamSushi’s got something cooking for us today: a tool that allows you to track all of the time for a cup stacker or speed cubist, and then records the results into a file. This tool is called the TimeTrainer and is currently at version 0.6
Download: TimeTrainer v0.6
TeamSushi’s got something cooking for us today: a tool that allows you to track all of the time for a cup stacker or speed cubist, and then records the results into a file. This tool is called the TimeTrainer and is currently at version 0.6
For what is this tool exactly? It’s actually for speed cubists, which essentially is a time-challenged Rubiks cube solving game. As for the features of this release:
- generate random cube mix with 25 moves, mathematically proven to generate any possible cube configuration
- easy to use cube timing buttons
- show 12 most recent times on an on screen
- show average of the 12 most recent times excluding best and worst
- all times available in a scrollable history
- save current 12 solve history to a file for later review
- remove mistake solve times from the history a “pop” feature
- redo time of any solve in the history
The changelog for v0.6 includes the following:
- added graphing
- updated splash screen
For more details, make sure to check out the readme file. And as an added note from the developer: The most important thing is to press both triggers to start (or restart) the timer, and any arrow on the d-pad to stop.
Download: TimeTrainer v0.6
Via NeoFlash