PSP Homebrew – UltraPandora Installer v.4.C
November 6, 2008
Marce82 has got a nice treat for all of you! UltraPandora Installer v.4.C is out, and you can find out what the surprise is all about after the jump. You’ll surely enjoy.
Download: UltraPandora Installer v.4.C
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
Marce82 has got a nice treat for us all here at the PSP homebrew community. It’s the UltraPandora Installer v.4.C.
You’ll be really glad to know that this nifty homebrew app is finally in English! Hooray! Now you can tuck away those Spanish-English translators now and fully enjoy the app without fear of misunderstanding.
See but some of the screenshots proving it:
Download: UltraPandora Installer v.4.C
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums