PSP homebrew – VGT Evolution v1
September 2, 2009
The homebrew coders from Team VGT has dropped by our forums to release the first version of VGT Evolution, a homebrew application that features a new Mac style dock, transition effects between windows, information bar, two themes, file hider, battery info and more. More after the jump.
Download: VGT Evolution v1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
The homebrew coders from Team VGT has dropped by our forums to release the first version of VGT Evolution, a homebrew application that features a new Mac style dock, transition effects between windows, information bar, two themes, file hider, battery info and more.
- Developed in C.
- Images and MP3 included inside the EBOOT.
- There is the possibility to choose between 2 themes.
- Bar like Mac Style (Rocket Dock, I think it’s called).
- There are some effects when you open a window.
- The language is charged in function the one you have in XMB (by the moment Spanish and English).
- “Scroll” and “Blink” messages.
- If the prx aren’t with the EBOOT, the homebrew won’t start.
- There’s an information bar: User, and Battery info.
- MP3 Sound in the bar and credits.
- VGT Menu:
- Change language.
- Change theme.
- Screenshot.
- Exit to XMB.
- Reboot PSP.
- Shutdown PSP.
- Functions:
- USB Connection:
- + MS.
- + Flash0.
- + Flash1.
- + Flash2.
- + Flash3.
- Release space:
- + Backup files.
- + Release space.
- + Restore files.
- Backup:
- + Nand.
- + Ipl.
- + Flash0.
- + Flash1.
- + Flash2.
- + Flash3.
- Flasher:
- + THEME 1.
- + THEME 2.
- + THEME 3.
- + THEME 4.
- + THEME 5.
- Xhide File (Hidder):
- + Folders:
- # MUSIC.
- # MP_ROOT.
- # VIDEO.
- Files (1 level):
- # MUSIC.
- # VIDEO.
- Launcher.
- Pixel Fixer:
- + Identify stuck pixels.
- + Reparation Mode 1 (RGB).
- + Reparation Mode 2 (RYB).
- Chrono:
- + Start.
- + Pause.
- + Stop.
- + Reboot.
- Update Version (version.txt):
- + Backup version.txt.
- + Restore version.txt.
- + Update version to: 5.00, 5.02, 5.03, 5.50, 5.51, 5.55.
- Battery:
- + Normal Battery.
- + Service Mode Battery.
- + Autoboot battery.
- + Dump eeprom.
- + Restore eeprom.
- Credits.
- Unrar the file .rar.
- Copy “PSP” folder to your Memory Stick.
- Launch the homebrew in “Game” Menu.
Developer’s note:
- Don’t use Flash0 options in PSP’s with ChickHEN.
- All backups are saved in: ms0:/PSP/GAME/VGT Evolution/…
- The theme files have to be in: ms0:/PSP/THEME/THEME1… THEME2… etc
- Don’t use battery options with PSP 3000 or 2000.
Download: VGT Evolution v1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
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