PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior: of browsers, tubes, and the biggest piece of homebrew news EVAR!
It seems things have slowed down in the PSP homebrew scene this week, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t get to see any new apps and games. The games side was overshadowed by app releases during the past week so I’m just gonna scrunch them together into one list full of homebrew goodness. List up ahead!
It seems things have slowed down in the PSP homebrew scene this week, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t get to see any new apps and games. The games side was overshadowed by app releases during the past week so I’m just gonna scrunch them together into one list full of homebrew goodness.
- Festi’s popular GuitarStar homebrew clone of Guitar Hero has gotten a mod version from one JR59278. Link.
- Zx-81‘s PSP Flight is no Flight Simulator X, but it’s still worth giving a shot. Link.
- Hooray for pretty pictures! Pegasus2000 has managed to run a super-resolution algorithm on the PSP using the latest Nanodesktop SDK. Link.
- Torch returned to release a clean-up update for Hold+. Link.
- If you happen to have an extra PSP lying around, here’s something you can do with it: turn it into an extra monitor. Well, a status monitor for your PC, at least. Link.
- Anonymous Japanese coder person has released another update for his (or her) gpSP mod. Link.
- Netfront Internet Browser from Team P86 frees up a huge chunk of your PSP’s memory to have an easier time browsing. Link.
- PowerSwitcher Blocker from bboyjcm allows you to disable/enable your PSP power switch. Link.
- PSP homebrew developer zeroxorxdiexskater (of Smash my PSP! fame) released a PSP version of the classic Etch-A-Sketch toy. Link.
- JK108’s Ultimate PSPTube finally reaches the big 2.0 mark. Link.
- Total_Noob is back with an update to Ultimate VSH Menu, plugging a “perfect” recovery menu. Link.
Oh yeah. There WAS one big piece of homebrew news this week:
- PSP-3000 now fully hacked via Fanjita and the Phantasy Star Portable Exploit. Link.
Thanks for being great sports, folks. See you guys again next week!