PSP Keyboard – Press ESC
Wow. Just a few hours ago in the PSP Camera Ad article, I mentioned that a keyboard peripheral was probably the most anticipated accessory for the PSP. The only hope that we knew of was the Logic 3 keyboard that has been promoted on various gaming websites. It suffered from multiple release date delays with no explanation as to why. One of our readers, Trevor, was interested enough to preorder this keyboard back in July, but has recently received a cancellation on his order. Curious, he sent off an email to Logic 3 and got the following response:
Thanks for your mail, yes this is correct we are no longer producing or
releasing a keyboard for the Sony PSP.This decision was made by our product development team, in order to
produce the keyboard we have to acquire certain information & command
protocols from Sony for the PSP which we where unable to obtain.Thank you for your interest in Logic 3 PSP products.
So it seems any immediate dreams of having a PSP keyboard have been flushed down the drain. Will no other accessory maker (Where are you, Logitech?) step up to the challenge and quench our desire for the most wanted PSP peripheral of all time? Or is this another example of Sony refusing to give their customers what they so desperately want? After all, there isn’t a commercial game which needs a keyboard… but there is plenty of homebrew that could benefit from one.
Wow. Just a few hours ago in the PSP Camera Ad article, I mentioned that a keyboard peripheral was probably the most anticipated accessory for the PSP. The only hope that we knew of was the Logic 3 keyboard that has been promoted on various gaming websites. It suffered from multiple release date delays with no explanation as to why. One of our readers, Trevor, was interested enough to preorder this keyboard back in July, but has recently received a cancellation on his order. Curious, he sent off an email to Logic 3 and got the following response:
Thanks for your mail, yes this is correct we are no longer producing or
releasing a keyboard for the Sony PSP.This decision was made by our product development team, in order to
produce the keyboard we have to acquire certain information & command
protocols from Sony for the PSP which we where unable to obtain.Thank you for your interest in Logic 3 PSP products.
So it seems any immediate dreams of having a PSP keyboard have been flushed down the drain. Will no other accessory maker (Where are you, Logitech?) step up to the challenge and quench our desire for the most wanted PSP peripheral of all time? Or is this another example of Sony refusing to give their customers what they so desperately want? After all, there isn’t a commercial game which needs a keyboard… but there is plenty of homebrew that could benefit from one.