PSP Videos from Leipzig

You can either see the glass half full or half empty after seeing all these videos of the much anticipated games for the PSP like Pocket Racers, Coded Arms Contagion, FIFA 2007, Lego Star Wars 2, Silent Hill Origins and Need for Speed Carbon. On one hand, it’s saying “This is what you’re missing by not going to Leipzig,” and on the other, “These videos could be as close as you can get to the the Games Convention happening right now, so indulge.” So how do you see your glass?

Pocket Racers

Coded Arms Contagion


Lego Star Wars II

Silent Hill Origins

Need for Speed Carbon

Via bumsfrikadelle

You can either see the glass half full or half empty after seeing all these videos of the much anticipated games for the PSP like Pocket Racers, Coded Arms Contagion, FIFA 2007, Lego Star Wars 2, Silent Hill Origins and Need for Speed Carbon. On one hand, it’s saying “This is what you’re missing by not going to Leipzig,” and on the other, “These videos could be as close as you can get to the the Games Convention happening right now, so indulge.” So how do you see your glass?

Pocket Racers

Coded Arms Contagion


Lego Star Wars II

Silent Hill Origins

Need for Speed Carbon

Via bumsfrikadelle

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