PSP XMB Wallpaper Changer / Randomizer

Sony PSP logo - Image 1Always wanted to have a nice, simple homebrew application that will just randomize your wallpapers for you without other added functions? Homebrew developer Hellcat just has the thing for you: the Wallpaper Changer / Randomizer. Check out the full article for more details.

Download: Wallpaper Changer / Randomizer
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums

Sony PSP - Image 1Thanks to the PSP homebrew dev scene, PSP owners were given more control over their handheld’s interface in the form theme packs. There are several options to choose from, like ThemePlus! by homebrew developer NephilimNX or ThemePSP by SodR. There’s a new one out: Hellcat‘s no-frills Wallpaper Changer/Randomizer.

So what does this nifty application do? Simply put, it merely changes your PSP’s XMB wallpaper. Aside from that, Hellcat added a couple of features to make this application a bit more personalized:

  • Two modes of operation: “Everytime” and “Once per day” (see readme for details)
  • You can set special, predefined images for a specific date (again, check readme)

Its certainly a nice, no-frills option for those who merely want want to change their wallpapers, nothing more and nothing less. Enjoy the download!

Download: Wallpaper Changer / Randomizer
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums

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