PSPDiag .2: Video and download provided
Shortly after KIWIDOGGIE released a video demo of PSPDiag Tool .1 yesterday, the coder stated that a battery detection bug was found and had to be fixed. Following that report, we’re letting everybody know that KIWIDOGGIE has just released PSPDiag version 2 (.2), all prepped for download.
Now, in case you’re wondering what this app does, it’s a PSP-based diagnostics tool (hence its name) that allows users to get a readout of their PSP’s various functions, such as their CPU and Bus speed. Aside from the aforementioned battery detection bug fix, the author followed up with these new tweaks:
- Red color testing
- Green Color Testing
- Blue Color Testing
- ascii art in the credits
One future update in the works is a conversion of the app into .prx format. That’s all to report for the moment aside from a youtube video demonstrating PSPDiag Tool .2 in action. Enjoy the download, and make sure to visit KIWIDOGGIE’s thread over at the QJ.Net Forums for extra details and to watch the demo video.
Download: PSPDiag .2
Visit: QJ’s PSP Development Forum
Shortly after KIWIDOGGIE released a video demo of PSPDiag Tool .1 yesterday, the coder stated that a battery detection bug was found and had to be fixed. Following that report, we’re letting everybody know that KIWIDOGGIE has just released PSPDiag version 2 (.2), all prepped for download.
Now, in case you’re wondering what this app does, it’s a PSP-based diagnostics tool (hence its name) that allows users to get a readout of their PSP’s various functions, such as their CPU and Bus speed. Aside from the aforementioned battery detection bug fix, the author followed up with these new tweaks:
- Red color testing
- Green Color Testing
- Blue Color Testing
- ascii art in the credits
One future update in the works is a conversion of the app into .prx format. That’s all to report for the moment aside from a youtube video demonstrating PSPDiag Tool .2 in action. Enjoy the download, and make sure to visit KIWIDOGGIE’s thread over at the QJ.Net Forums for extra details and to watch the demo video.
Download: PSPDiag .2
Visit: QJ’s PSP Development Forum