PSPDictionary v2.3.0: Google translate support
Is it Google-brew day or what? First there was that update for PSPChrome, and now it’s PSPDictionary. After its previous version incorporating Yahoo! Babel Fish, PSPDictionary v2.3.0 now brings Google translate.
Download: PSPDictionary v2.3.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forums
Is it Google-brew day or what? First there was that update for PSPChrome, and now it’s PSPDictionary. After its previous version incorporating Yahoo! Babel Fish, PSPDictionary v2.3.0 now brings Google translate.
PSPDictionary v2.3.0:
- Added the support for Google Translate
- Some little improvements
- Now the program saves in the file translations.txt the translations
- For example, when you translate ‘che cosa farai questa sera?’, from italian to english, connecting your psp online at the server Google Translate, in the file translations.txt will be written:
- Mode: online
- Server:
- WordSentence: che cosa farai questa sera?
- Translation: what to do tonight?
More info can be found in the readme. There’s also the forums if you want to have a quick word with Gefa. Maybe you can suggest other features for future versions, eh?
Download: PSPDictionary v2.3.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forums
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