Pxl_Installer 0.5 – download percentage display added
People who love to personalize their Sony handhelds should be aware that homebrew developer albandu51 released a new version of the PSP theme manager, Pxl_Installer (previous version here). Featuring new themes, wallpapers, and other additions such as download percentage display, this version shouldn’t be missed. More details in the full article.
Download: Pxl_Installer v0.5
Pxl_Installe4r by homebrew developer Albandu51 is once again updated with new themes and wallpapers. In case you haven’t heard about the application yet, Pxl_Installer is actually a theme manager that installs themes to your Sony PlayStation Portable. Simple enough, yes, but very useful for those who want to add a layer of personalization to their PSPs.
Here’s the capsule changelog for the most recent version of Pxl_Installer, version 0.5 (as translated by our favorite weblator):
What’s new?
Fixed bugs
Adding theme FTP and CTF
Adding Wallpapers
Display downloaded
And in the next Release?
Downloader + Extractor (. Zip) link URL
Background Music
Added themes
The homebrew developer also notes that users may encounter buggy displays from time to time; this will be resolved in future revisions of Pxl_Installer. Like previous releases of this application, there’s no readme file available – be sure that you know how to install these kinds of programs before you proceed.
Download: Pxl_Installer v0.5