Pyromaniac tendencies? Unleash them with Neon Wars

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If you’re into the whole space shooter genre, you’ll be glad to know that Blitwise Productions, in association with Richard Phipps of Reflected Games, has just released Neon Wars — the colorful space shooter with a twist.

Basically, you just have to zap out your enemies with a weapon that fires automatically, so no need to aim really, ‘coz your weapon will automatically fire in the direction of your closest enemy. That doesn’t guarantee though that your automatic weapon’s shooting is dead on target, but it does allow you to focus more on collecting stars to power up your weapon and dodge enemies coming at you from all directions.

The game currently has five levels, two gameplay modes (level play and survival mode), and seven color zones which lets you choose not only the color and feel of the game environment, but also features unique enemies for each zone. If this is your first time to hear about Neon Wars, then poor you. Kidding! We meant good news for you too, ‘coz we’ve also included a demo of the game in this post so Neon Wars neophytes would also be put up to speed with what the game is all about.

So if shooters are your thing and you wanna go all trigger-happy (albeit in space), you might wanna check out the game by downloading the demo below (requires Win2000 or XP and 3d video card). And if you like it, you can purchase the full game version by clicking on the link below. Meanwhile, here are screenshots to give you a quick-see of the game:

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Download: [Neon Wars demo]

Via Blitwise

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If you’re into the whole space shooter genre, you’ll be glad to know that Blitwise Productions, in association with Richard Phipps of Reflected Games, has just released Neon Wars — the colorful space shooter with a twist.

Basically, you just have to zap out your enemies with a weapon that fires automatically, so no need to aim really, ‘coz your weapon will automatically fire in the direction of your closest enemy. That doesn’t guarantee though that your automatic weapon’s shooting is dead on target, but it does allow you to focus more on collecting stars to power up your weapon and dodge enemies coming at you from all directions.

The game currently has five levels, two gameplay modes (level play and survival mode), and seven color zones which lets you choose not only the color and feel of the game environment, but also features unique enemies for each zone. If this is your first time to hear about Neon Wars, then poor you. Kidding! We meant good news for you too, ‘coz we’ve also included a demo of the game in this post so Neon Wars neophytes would also be put up to speed with what the game is all about.

So if shooters are your thing and you wanna go all trigger-happy (albeit in space), you might wanna check out the game by downloading the demo below (requires Win2000 or XP and 3d video card). And if you like it, you can purchase the full game version by clicking on the link below. Meanwhile, here are screenshots to give you a quick-see of the game:

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Download: [Neon Wars demo]

Via Blitwise

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