Quick and dirty: Japan’s Yakuza 3 TV spot

Quick and dirty: Japan's Yakuza 3 TV spot - Image 1Looks like Sega‘s decided to kick up public awareness for Yakuza 3 up a notch. Japan‘s airwaves have received a new TV trailer for this upcoming PS3 title, starring glimpses of the motley crew you can expect to meet, play, or duel against. The video is available in the full article.

While Yakuza 3 for the PlayStation 3 isn’t expected to hit for another two months (March 6), it looks like Sega‘s intent on making sure everybody know it’s coming. We’ve just picked up Japan‘s TV spot of the said game, featuring a brief cameo of the game’s cast.

And while it servers as more of a teaser of the full game, the TV spot hints at the level of detailing the developers have been putting into its production. Sure, there’s not much on combat, but you gotta love the way each character’s face has been carefully rendered to look almost like the real thing.

Not exactly the first thing you’ll notice in the heat of battle, but it’s certainly worth a look. Enjoy the video, and keep a lookout in case more shorts like these make an appearance.

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