QuickJump QuickPeek 35: Of sequels, home console homebrew, and the end of the format war
(Editor’s note: Whoo! Now that the format war has finally come to a close – encapsulated and summarized in a special QuickPeek edition – we’re back once again to our scheduled programming, er, updates!)
After the home console homebrew breakthroughs in QuickPeek 34, we’re bringing you more new homebrew news this week, not just for the trusty PSP, but for the PS3 and Wii as well. We also take a quick look at the end of the format war and new sequels for triple-A titles.
We continue the weekly wrap-up of the past week’s news with a few bits of tantalizing info straight from this year’s Game Developers Conference. It seems each major home video console got a juicy update, while the homebrew scene continued to deliver its own share of updates not only for the PSP, but for the PS3 and Wii as well.
We also have something from the often-bashed Electronic Arts, as well as something for the more astronomically-inclined. A question posed in Issue 34 was also finally answered this week. Indeed, it is wrap up time as most of HD DVD’s major backers have gone over to Blu-ray’s side.
Ready for another big QuickPeek issue? Then let’s get the ball rolling!
PSP: the right choice for the gamer on the goWhile the homebrew scene was pretty quiet compared to last week’s release barrage from Dark AleX, Sony‘s PlayStation Portable handheld system still got some loving both from homebrew developers as well as Sony itself.
Perhaps the biggest news for the Sony handheld that cam out of GDC this week was the planned addition of Wi-Fi support for the PlayStation Store. Sony Computer Entertainment’s Chris Eden said that this should let PSP owners “access native PlayStation Store on PSP via wireless hotspot.”
This initiative has yet to be given a definite launch date, but should it push through, it’ll be a great boon for PSP owners who don’t have access to a PC or PS3 purchase and download content directly to their handhelds.
Link: GDC 08: Sony planning PSP Wi-Fi support on PlayStation Store
This year’s GDC also brought with it quite a lot of goodies for fans of the God of War series, including “epicidal”, a brand-new word from Ready At Dawn 3D artist Nathan Phail-Liff. Phail-Liff coined the word to describe God of War: Chains of Olympus, which would reportedly fully immerse players in its visual world and overwhelm them with the sheer opposition that they would be facing.
Of course, words won’t be enough to convince gamers that what you’re working on is a kick-ass battlefest that’ll make anybody’s blood boil with excitement, so Ready At Dawn also released a new trailer for God of War: Chains of Olympus.
Link: GDC 08: Ready at Dawn on an epicidal, polished God of War game
Link: God of War: Chains of Olympus GDC 08 trailer video
God of War: Chains of Olympus isn’t the only title the PSP has going for it. There’s also this little game called Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 from this little company called Square Enix. Well, the game also got the preview treatment at GDC 08, where a new gameplay video was showcased.
Link: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 GDC 08 video shows Zack the gatecrasher
Over on the homebrew scene, the week was tinged with a bit of sadness due to news of the likely cancellation of Auraomega’s ambitious and promising Project4 XMB replacement project. Development of Project4 has ground to a halt due to the loss of the project’s source codes.
Link: Project4 development likely to be cancelled
It seems even for the the homebrew scene, people on the go are the focus of this week’s big releases. The release of Red Squirrel’s Time Machine Configurator punctuates this. As you may have gathered from the app’s name, the Time Machine Configurator lets PSP users configure Dark AleX’s Time Machine homebrew using their handhelds even without having access to a PC.
Link: Time Machine Configurator v1.0 – configures Dark Alex’s Time Machine
The PSP’s library of homebrew rhythm games was further bolstered with the release of Cyrax’s ez2dj Portable Public Demo 0.2. This homebrew game is actually closer to an emulator since it allows you to play .bms files which you can download off the Net. Apart from the ez2dj songs included in the game, it can also play songs from the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese versions of the rhythm MMO game DJMAX.
Link: ez2dj Portable Public Demo 0.2 – rhythm game based on JzBmsPlayer
Well, it was a bit of an up and down ride, but it looks like things are still looking pretty peachy for the Sony PSP. Here’s hoping things at least stay this way, or better yet, get even better.
– QJ.NET’s PSPUpdates Team
PlayStation 3: All systems go for 2008
While GDC 2008 didn’t bring any huge news for the Sony PlayStation 3, the powerhouse console is still continuing its momentum, giving the PS3 faithful even more reasons to cheer their chosen console on.
Their recent triumph with Blu-ray (more on this topic further down the article) has solidified Sony’s mark on the consumer entertainment front, and the PlayStation 3 just overtook the Xbox 360 in market sales for a month. Reports from GDC 08 have also put the total number of PSN gamers in North America alone at a very respectable 2.8 million.
These are what SCEA CEO Jack Tretton is banking on when he says that the signs all point to 2008 as a breakthrough year for PS3.
Link: Analysts: HD DVD’s absence will boost Sony and HD sales
Link: GDC 08: Over 2.8 Million PSN gamers in North America alone
Link: Sony calls dibs on 2008 – PS3’s ‘breakthrough’ year
Know what? Tretton just might be right. Sony’s PlayStation Home service is also gearing up even further, with the latest beta update due out next week. Once the update – which will bring the virtual world up to version 0.8.3 – hits, the user interface, Home Items, the Marketplace, and more will be put to the test.
Link: Home Beta update 0.8.3 to come next week
Rumors of another new PS3 SKU are also floating around thanks to Sony sending the FCC a notice that it will be changing the PS3’s model number and parts. Couple this with the semi-removal of the 80GB PlayStation 3 SKU from Sony Style, and it could be only a matter of weeks until we hear more about this rumored new SKU.
Link: FCC: PS3 to change model number and parts
Enterprising devs are also making some headway into bringing homebrew to the PS3. While developing useful applications is still a long road in itself, Team ICE is continuing to flex its coding muscles to pool both knowledge and experience in the PS3 homebrew field.
This week saw the release of Team ICE’s Ice Pack version 1.2, a collection of known, tried and tested exploits that includes even the latest TIFF exploit previously reported, as well as a slew of other hacks and exploits leveled at Sony’s PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Network.
Link: Team ICE releases PS3 Pack v1.2 – hack, exploit collection
The PS3 has certainly showed its power as a console, but what about the games? Fans have nothing to worry about, as the people from Insomniac have finally confimed a Fall release for the sequel to Resistance: Fall of Man. Chimera beware!
Link: Insomniac on Nocturnal Initiative phase two, confirms Resistance 2 officially for Fall
Blu-ray. Home. Homebrew. The PS3’s slow start may have put off a few people, but the Sony faithful have certainly been feeling more and more vindicated by the stuff happening so far.
– QJ.NET’s PS3 Team
Xbox 360: on the further uses of a gun with a chainsaw attachment
While the apparent death of HD DVD may have gotten a few people concerned about the Xbox 360, most of the console’s supporters seem to have nothing to fear. Judging by the amount of new content and increased Xbox Live activity, Microsoft’s baby is doing just fine.
During this week’s GDC, the Xbox 360 hit the stage running but ground down to an unscheduled halt due to some stage fright. At one of Microsoft’s GDC 08 booths, it looked like the heat got to one Xbox 360, causing it to malfunction and showcase the popular RROD.
Link: GDC 08: Xbox 360 suffers red ring of death at Microsoft’s booth
The console came right back with a bang, though, with XNA chief Chris Satchell announcing a new Xbox Live feature for aspiring game developers during the Microsoft keynote at GDC 08. This new feature, called Community Games, allows developers to post their games and subject it to community scrutiny. If it passes then the game will be released on Xbox Live.
Link: XNA Chief at GDC 2008: Community Games for Xbox 360, new Zune game
Apart from giving more amateur game developers a foot in the door, it seems like even the defeat of HD DVD at the hands of Blu-ray still spells something good for Microsoft’s Xbox Live service. The XBL Video Store has reportedly been performing well, with high definition content becoming more and more popular than standard def content.
Analysts have also predicted that the absence of HD DVD will lead to a boost not just for Sony’s sales, but for HD sales in general as well. With Xbox Live’s reputation as an established source of HD downloads, it looks like the online service doesn’t have any worries when it comes to HD content.
Link: XBL Video Store performing well, skewing substantially to HD
Link: Analysts: HD DVD’s absence will boost Sony and HD sales
So, everything seems to be going pretty well with the Xbox 360. But that’s right now. What about the future? Glad you asked. GDC 08 gave us a little peek at the console’s future, and while the visuals were hazy, what we know for sure is that it’s carrying a Lancer assault rifle.
Yes folks. It took three updates to a single article, but GDC 08 finally gave Xbox 360 fans something that they’ve been waiting for for months now: confirmation of Epic Games’ Gears of War 2.
The confirmation was done in a particularly Epic style, too: towards the end of the Microsoft keynote, a Lancer-wielding Cliff Bleszinksi burst on stage to tell attendees when Marcus Fenix and the rest of Delta Squad will be dropping by (November, for those who missed it). The game will also come packed with some extra firepower courtesy of Unreal Engine 3.
Link: **UPDATE**: Gears of War 2 confirmed with debut trailer
Link: GDC 08: Gears of War 2 to feature Unreal Engine 3-powered dynamic water
With the official announcement of Gears of War 2, this year is really shaping up to be a worthy follow-up to last year’s Xbox 360 barrage. Are you getting excited? We sure as hell are.
– QJ.NET’s Xbox 360 Team
Wii: the hacking (and the chart domination) continues
So the Wii’s finally been hacked. What now? Continued homebrew development of course! Apart from a slew of new content announced at GDC 08, the burgeoning Wii homebrew development scene has become one of the many reasons for gamers to try and grab a Wii.
This week, Team Twiizers, the people behind the celebrated Twilight Hack, updated their Wii hack to version 0.1 alpha 2. This updated version now allows users to load ELF files from an SD card using an SD Gecko or similar device. Yeah, there’s still an 8 MB limit on the ELF file size, but it’s a big step towards getting homebrew apps, like DesktopMan’s Wii Tetris homebrew game, running on the Wii.
Link: Twilight Hack v0.1 Alpha 2: load ELF files from SD card
Link: Second Nintendo Wii homebrew: Tetris
If Nintendo-sanctioned emulation is more your thing, you’ll probably be glad to know that the venerable old Commodore 64 has been added to the Wii Virtual Console’s list of emulated systems. As one of the front runners of the 8-bit gaming era during the 1980s, many long-time gamers still have a soft spot for the Commodore 64 in their hearts.
Link: Commodore 64 joins VC lineup
Of course, the Wii’s not all about emulating old systems. What truly powers it are the host of first-party titles that Nintendo has been steadily churning out ever since its arrival. The Wii’s current dominance in the Japanese charts can be traced to the success of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Wii Fit, and with both titles getting ready for release in other countries, it’s a good bet that the Wii will continue to climb the hardware sales charts in the coming months.
Link: SSBB, Wii Fit continue to dominate Japanese charts
Link: GDC 08: Nintendo confirms WiiWare, Wii Fit launch dates, FFCC: My Life as a King
So, what does this all mean for the little console that could? Well, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime thinks that signs all point towards the Wii finally surpassing Microsoft’s Xbox 360 home video console in total U.S. sales by the time June comes rolling by.
Link: Fils-Aime: Wii will surpass Xbox 360 in total U.S. sales by June
Will the Regginator be proven right? June is still a ways away, so let’s just take it one step at a time and see what the coming weeks have in store for us.
– QJ.NET’s Nintendo Wii Team
General Gaming: sequels, downloadable content, and a new GPU to scorch your wallet
Sequels and downloadable content are the focus this week for multiplatform games. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will be getting new map packs from developer Infinity Ward in the coming weeks, and the good news is that there will be enough content to please both those who like open maps and indoor maps.
Link: GDC 08: New Call of Duty 4 maps are for everyone
As for sequels, Portal lead designer Kimberly Swift has confirmed during an interview at GDC 2008 that Valve’s highly-awarded and adorably quirky game is indeed going to get a part 2. The question of whether or not there will be cake remains to be answered.
Link: GDC 08: Valve developer confirms Portal 2
Speaking of GDC 08, the recipients of the 8th Annual GDC Choice Awards were also announced this week. The aforementioned Portal took home a total of three honors including Game of the Year. Other big winners include BioShock, fl0w, Crysis, Crackdown, and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
Link: Recipients of 8th Annual GDC Choice Awards announced
Finally, a little something for the hardcore PC gaming enthusiast. The GeForce 9600 GT, the first series 9 video graphics card model from NVIDIA, has finally hit the market. NVIDIA has pegged the single slot, cooler encased 8600 GTS successor for a suggested price of around US$ 370, but a few stres are apparently selling them for lower prices.
Link: NVIDIA introduces the GeForce 9600 GT, boasts DX10 bang for the buck feats
Science and Technology: HD DVD down for the count
The big news for techies this week was the apparent defeat of the HD DVD format in its fight against Blu-ray. Long-time HD DVD backer Toshiba finally threw in the towel earlier this week by announcing that it will cease operations of its HD DVD businesses by March.
Link: Toshiba yields to format war; HD DVD businesses to stop operations by March
After the Toshiba announcement, a kind of domino effect started happening to HD DVD’s staunch supporters. Universal Studios officially announced that it will be switching to Blu-ray a short time after the Toshiba announcement. Paramount waited a bit longer, but the studio eventually chose to do the same.
Link: Universal Studios switches from HD DVD to Blu-ray
Link: Finally! Paramount goes Blu-ray
Following these developments (even before the Paramount announcement, in fact), the Blu-ray Disc Association quickly sent out an official statement about Blu-ray’s emergence in the format wars. Toshiba still had more to say about the whole thing, though. Toshiba Australia GM Mark Whittard warned that digital downloads and the stable run of DVD in the market contributed to the death of HD-DVD, and might also contribute to Blu-ray’s demise.
Link: Blu-Ray Disc Association releases official statement on format war victory
Link: Toshiba’s Mark Whittard: Blu-ray could still lose format war
In order to give readers a clearer look at the battle between HD DVD and Blu-ray, a QuickJump QuickPeek special on the whole format war was also released this week.
Link: QuickJump QuickPeek special edition: a format war history in hi-definition
Okay, the format war was big news, but it wasn’t the only news this week. Early in the week, we also saw the release of doubleTwist, a new application that allows people to share media through computers, mobile phones, and even Sony’s Playstation Portable.
Link: doubleTwist enables copying of iTunes to mobiles, PSP
And then there’s the drama that surrounded the disabled U.S. satellite that was going to be shot down via tactical missile. The reason? The satellite’s hydrazine tanks posed a toxic threat.
Link: *UPDATE* Disabled US satellite to be shot down by tactical missile
Link: Modified US missile strikes, reduces failed satellite to ‘football-sized’ debris
Odds and Ends: EA’s woes and the confidence of an industry giant
A quick scan of the award winners shows that there’s not a single Electronic Arts title in the bunch. Why? Well, it could be because the average review scores for the company’s titles have been dropping lately. EA CEO John Ricitiello himself has expressed dismay about the company’s situation, but it seems like EA president Peter Moore isn’t too worried, even with Activision-Blizzard hot on their heels.
Link: EA dismayed over its review scores
Link: EA President Peter Moore: Activision-Blizzard can’t compete with us
A quick scan of the award winners shows that there’s not a single Electronic Arts title in the bunch. Why? Well, it could be because the average review scores for the company’s titles have been dropping lately. EA CEO John Ricitiello himself has expressed dismay about the company’s situation, but it seems like EA president Peter Moore isn’t too worried, even with Activision-Blizzard hot on their heels.
Link: EA dismayed over its review scores
Link: EA President Peter Moore: Activision-Blizzard can’t compete with us
Comment of the Week: Nintendo and the social gaming phenomenon
For the Comment of the Week, we’re leaving you guys with this discussion between Silver-Tiger and scarface_tha_second on the essence of gaming. Yes, the Wii has its share of shortcomings, but the fact remains that it has brought a lot of people who don’t usually fall into the gaming demographic into the gaming fold.
But hey, different strokes for different folks, right? It’s nice to see that a lot of people are getting more open-minded.
Link: Phil Harrison’s frustration with Sony Japan, Nintendo’s family-oriented games