QuickJump QuickPeek #63: Of Sony’s UMD confession, Microsoft’s PSN incredulity, Mario’s continued legacy, and iPhone’s Kojima-ism
There is no rest for the wicked, and so here we are once more with another QuickPeek for all your QJ news and updates wrapped up tight and pretty in Issue #63. More exciting gaming news are here, and more statements – both controversial and reassuring alike – have we heard from the who’s who. We also delved into our own little Who’s Who in Homebrew for our QJ QuickGuide, as well as some What’s What in the legal territory that’s ever-broaching on homebrew.
There is no rest for the wicked, and so here we are once more with another QuickPeek for all your QJ news and updates wrapped up tight and pretty in Issue #63. More exciting gaming news are here, and more statements – both controversial and reassuring alike – have we heard from the who’s who.
We also delved into our own little Who’s Who in Homebrew for our QJ QuickGuide, as well as some What’s What in the legal territory that’s ever-broaching on homebrew.

For one, Sony reiterates for the nth time that there is no such thing as a PSP phone up their sleeves. And what’s this? The UMD was “a bit of a bad idea”? Uh-oh. But who cares about that? There’s a brand new Citroen car out on display, and it’s custom-made for the PSP — much to our bafflement here. I mean, to build a whole car around the concept of a handheld? That’s too much of a hard sell, right? Oh well, you gotta ride what’s hot. And there’s no denying it, the PSP is hot enough to get a car to ride on its fame.
Link: PSP Gaming Weekend Warrior
There’s a new iRShell release! Is there any other homebrew news bigger than that the past week?!?! Well, of course not, but there are other PSP homebrew news. Click away, click away! Get those brews on your PSP!
But QuickPeek isn’t over yet so you better come back here, ayt?
Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior
Remember when Mike Hickey “predicted” that Sony will be removing the Blu-ray from the PS3 so they can finally earn from their production costs, drop the prices, and actually sell more units? Yeah, I knew you recognized him ASAP. I mean, a statement like that is kinda hard to erase from the memory.
So, inasumuch as it escapes my comprehension how anyone could even possible entertain the idea of a Blu-rayless PS3, when the obvious, public truth is that the games of the PS3 RUN ON BLU-RAY, Sony apparently (as they should) thinks so too. And finally, Kim Nguyen sets the record straight. Listen tight, ayt, Mikey? And will somebody get those crazy pills off his hands?
Anyway, there’s so much more that happened in the PS3 scene, like the Noby Noby Boy creator’s depression cos some people don’t get his game (d’oh!), and more new games and contents coming your way, among others.
Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior
More from newsmaker Microsoft: “20 million active users for Sony’s PlayStation Network?!?! Naaahhh… doubtful. Very doubtful.” Is it really that unbelievable? Well according to Microsoft’s computation, that figure is just not very probable.
They must have doubled or padded the numbers, MS said. It’s up to you to decide who to believe, but numbers are there to guide you in making your decision. And as if that’s not enough action for MS, they got b-slapped again with yet another patent infringement lawsuit — for a grand price of US$ 90 million!
Army of Two sequel has been confirmed, in other news – much to Karl’s happiness, with his spot-on clairvoyance, as well as the Big Sisters rumored early on in the week, and then eventually confirmed, for BioShock 2.
Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior
This week in the WiiDS, we saw Nintendo charging up the Resident Evil mania with The Darkside Chronicles. Oh, and for all you Code Veronica fans out there, you might wanna consider picking up a Wii; we’ve picked up on word that they’re gearing for a Wii-make. Uh-huh, yessiree. As for The Conduit not getting MotionPlus support, it’s all justified.
On general news, it’s good to see the classic Italian plumber continuing to earn respects and homages despite his age (he never grows old, though – pipelines must be good for anti-ageing). Yep, Mario picks up another accolade, this time for Super Mario Galaxy as BAFTA’s Best Game. Congrats, Mario!
And rumors are going about claiming that there’s a new double USB hard drive Wii. Could this finally be the solution for the Wii’s ails that’s got devs saying it’s not really next-gen?
Link: WiiDS Weekend Warrior
And now, last but definitely not least, big things are definitely coming to the iPhone next week. Major. Like, Metal Gear Solid Touch-mahaaay-jor! Cool, huh? And the man that’s won two Lifetime Achievement awards the past couple of years continues to conquer all possible platforms imaginable. And it’s a sure-deal, too. How about March 19th for the date, huh?
But it’s not the only thing getting its gear on for some kickoff on the iPhone. OS 3.0 is being primped and blinged up for a release, and March 17th will be its debut preview. It’s probably got nothing to do with the newly-untethered jailbreak for the iPhone that got released by the Dev Team, based on a fatal flaw in iPod Touch 2G, but yeah. It sure doesn’t hurt to stir things up a bit.
Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior
And now on QJ’s Features front. Last week saw the posts for Issue #5s, both for our QuickGuide and How-To. It was exciting, oh yes it was. For QuickGuide #5, we went ahead and gave you a nice little trip (once more) down memory lane with a quick look into the life and times – so far – of the young, talented, and mysterious Dark AleX. It also served as a good introductory piece for those out there who have yet to really comprehend just how important this guy is to the brew scene.
And, you know, when a name resounds as much as Dark AleX’s does, you don’t wanna be known as the-guy-who-knows-not-he-whom-everybody-knows-by-name. Cos that’s just uncool, you know? So we did a little preemption here, just so you won’t have to ask anymore.
For How-To #5, we took pause from the technical mumbo-jumbos for a while to tread (ever-so carefully) into legal parlance. Of course, as pointed out in cory1492’s comment, our How-To: Legality 101 article should in no way be taken as actual legal advice. Just some smart word from the street to help out our fellow homebrew enthusiasts. In case you guys get in corpo trouble because of your brews (and we most certainly hope that never has to happen to any of you), it is still best to consult with for-real-this-is-the-deal lawyers. Okay? Okay.
Link: QuickJump QuickGuide #5: Dark AleX, the life and times of a PSP homebrew hero
Link: QJ How-To #5: Legality 101 (Part 1): Copyright Issues and Homebrew
And speaking of comments… you guessed it! It’s now time for some CoW!!!
With all the controversies and comebacks we’ve seen this week past, it is therefore inevitable that there will be some wise-crackin’ reader that will make his mind heard (or rather, read) here in our trusty comments section.
It was certainly a tedious task having to pore through all the comments of last week, but the discussions, debates, disagreements, concessions and whatnots were definitely interesting and intelligent enough to keep us reading more.
But as we all know, one will stand out from the crowd. For this week, it’s a tie between failtorespond and justingraziano. Not that we want to take any sides here, it’s a tie because they had quite an interesting conversation about how New Zealand’s so-called “Jack Thompson” wanted to prosecute parents who allowed M games for their kids.
We can’t paste the entire comment thread here, so we’ll just sneak in the first three. Head to the link below to see how the debate carried out.