QuickJump QuickPeek #64: Of yummy consoles, conversion powers, not-for-adult-games, and my personal dream come true – copy paste on mobile phones
Usually, the trend has been to experience a noticeable dip in the amount of news coming out the week before the GDC. However, this year’s pre-event week proved to be a rather different one from those I’ve experienced in the past. Unexpectedly, but fortunately, there were a great deal of updates. It was a busy one, alright, and thank God you stuck with us throughout the week, making it such a blast!
Usually, the trend has been to experience a noticeable dip in the amount of news coming out the week before the GDC. However, this year’s pre-event week proved to be a rather different one from those I’ve experienced in the past.
Unexpectedly, but fortunately, there were a great deal of updates, from developers who are more than willing and happy to update us with the latest on their works in progress (xoxo), to executives who just can’t keep wagging their tongues out of sheer pride (be it misplaced or deserved or otherwise), and of course, the never-absent predictions and forecasts for anything and everything significant in the gaming world.
It was a busy one, alright. But more than the hefty serving of news, it was you keeping us company all throughout that made it such a blast. So to those of you who missed out on some happenings, here’s a quick round-up of the what went down the last time.
Welcome to QuickJump QuickPeek #64.

Oh, and as if crazy isn’t enough to be the new black, Capcom’s also going retro with their PSOne games and their plan to transport it thorugh time through the PlayStation Network. And speaking of games, of course the big news the past week was the spectacular launch of Resistance: Retribution.
The execs of Sony once again dipped into the whole PSP vs. iPhone (non)debate, too, this time with Peter Dille confidently saying that the iPhone is certainly not a competition for them, because hey, there IS NO competition in the first place. You go, girl!
Link: PSP Weekend Warrior
For the PSP Homebrew front, we’ve got an extra batch of brews that came our way, thanks to the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition. Lots of new games and useful apps are to be had this week, as well as an update to the very promising PSPAR to CWCheat Converter.By the way, if you haven’t tried out RagDoll Cannon by Walar yet, am telling you, you should! It’s really addicting, and it’s really well-made. A whole lot of fun, really. Really.
Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior
Frankly, if I could have it my way, I’ll stop posting articles pertaining to the never-ending tango of rumors on whether or not the PS3 will get a price cut. I’ll just post one once it’s been confirmed, first from Sony, second from retailers, third from publishers, developers, anonymous insiders, and everybody else concerned (meaning us, consumers). But not BEFORE any of that happens.
Oh, and can I have a marching band with that, too, please?
Yes, you guessed it. Sony was at it again, teasing, never directly answering the issue of a much-clamored for price cut. Geez. Just quit it already.
And then there’s more. Is there actually a robo-peripheral in the works for the PS3? Can Killzone 2 actually convert Xbox 360 fanboys? Will Mass Effect 2 come to the PS3?
So many questions, yes. Maybe you’ll find the answers over at our PS3 Weekend Warrior. But I warn you, prepare for more questions to boggle your inquisitive minds.
Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior
The Xbox 360 blog was definitely on a roll the past week, what with all the interesting developments both for the console and the MS (mothership) itself. Industry news kept pouring in like water from the sprinkler on the front lawn just before your family leaves away for vacation. Okay, just deal with the analogy there, alright? Greenberg can hardly contain his pride for the Xbox 360, too, in relation to the February NPD results. But of course he’s got something to be jolly about! They sold 30% above what was expected and predicted of them!
Let’s see what else, we’ve got broken sales records (both games and console alike), Big D returns, new map packs, demos, more games ratings and scores… Oh, BioShock 2 is now going as just plain BioShock 2. No more waxing poetic with “Sea of Dreams”. The Big Sisters probably didn’t want it.
it’s all in here. Here, you should check it out yourself.
Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior
It’s a bit short on this side of the stick. That’s because it’s mostly homebrew news for both Nintendo consoles. Not to say there’s nothing to talk about, though. And it’s quite fascinating, actually.
Imagine, Animal Crossing: City Folk has been dubbed by the Missouri Police as pedo-heaven. Cos you know, you’re supposed to interact with other people online. Oh, and what tickled my funny bones the most? The claim that if you’re an adult playing this game, then you must have pedo-tendencies. Shame on you and many other casual gamers out there who just want to make friends!
Come on… this logic is sooo… devoid of logic, it flies right beyond my comprehension. Le sight. Non-gamers. When will you ever get it?
Link: WiIDS Weekend Warrior
Okay, there is definitely no competition between us, SCEA says of the iPhone-PSP “competition”. Well, it’s not that hard to imagine why he’d say that. After all, the iPhone is first and foremost a mobile phone that can play games, while the PSP is first and foremost a gaming console that can do other fun media stuff.
Meanwhile, Kevin Rose from Digg pulls off a Pachter, predicting that the iPhone 3.0 will finally feature copy and paste features, and OMGAH turns out he was right on the money! What, I’ve always thought it would be the most kickass mobile phone feature EVAH. Okay, I clam down now.
But not for long, cos Metal Gear Solid Touch has landed on the iPhone! Hoorah! And a day early too! And with MGS-themed cover jackets! Hideo Kojima, anyone?
Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior
On the front page news of things, it’s been a really hectic week too. As you know (and as we hope you’ve enjoyed and found informative), we were at week #6 for our Features, QuickGuide and How-To.
For the QuickGuide last week, we touched on the amazing, the fantastic, the miraculous GripShift Exploit! But of course, the show has just begun for this little exploit. We are expecting (and eagerly awaiting) what more beautiful, wondrous creations will come out of this for the PSP-3000.
Meanwhile, for the How-To Series, we served up Part 2 for our Legality 101 features, the spotlight still being on Copyright Issues and Homebrew. But instead of teaching you tips and tricks on how you can circumvent the law (as some of you did undoubtedly believe), we instead gave you tips on what are the stuff that you’ll most probably have to know and comply with in order to ensure that your brews do not fall on the illegal side of the thin line separating homebrew from piracy.
Both informative pieces, and we hope they do serve their purpose to you guys.
Link: QJ QuickGuide #6: The GripShift Exploit
Link: QJ How-To #6: Legality 101 (Part 2): Copyright Issues and Homebrew
And now, we end yet again on a lighter note.
It’s time for some MOO!!!
CoW (Comment of the Week):
Okay, here’s the context of that screencapped comment from t3mp. That comment actually came from the PSP-themed sour candies article. Yeah, yeah, you’re getting it now, aren’t you?
Well, suffice to say, Karl put it in more succinct terms: Because a-hole parents who dash their children’s dreams are funny. What’s not funny, however, is that t3mp just might prove to be prophetic after all, what with the ongoing economic anorexia.
So a word of advice, especially if you’re one of those kids who are just about to ask their parents for a PSP: BE SPECIFIC AND STATE THAT YOU WANT THE GAMING DEVICE, NOT THE CANDIES.
You can never be too sure, you know.
Link: A sweet idea: PSP-themed sour candies
And that’s all we have for you for this week’s QJ wrap-up on the QuickPeek. Thank you for joining us week after week. Be sure to stick it out with us this coming one, because the GDC is about to roll.
So take out those swag bags, clean them out a bit, and make sure you’ve got enough space to store all the hottest and biggest announcements in the land of virtual fantasy. Just keep jumpin’!