QuickJump QuickPeek 69: An electrifiying week of (exposed) announcements, obsoletes, and addicts
I don’t know what’s up with the scene now, but whatever it is, am liking it. It’s raining news and updates, and thank god they’re mostly for good games. Scratch that, I say they’re GREAT games. We’ll try to keep the chitchat to a minimum now, cos there’s a lot in store for you in this issue of QuickJump QuickPeek. We’re at #69, and your worlds are sure to go upside-down with delight, too.
I don’t know what’s up with the scene now, but whatever it is, am liking it. It’s raining news and updates, and thank god they’re mostly for good games. Scratch that, I say they’re GREAT games.
We’ll try to keep the chitchat to a minimum now, cos there’s a lot in store for you in this issue of QuickJump QuickPeek. We’re at #69, and your worlds are sure to go upside-down with delight, too.

And what do you know, the PSP’s going to hell. For real. Dante’s Inferno was announced to be going to the PSP, too, and for this first week alone, we already got a hell-load of screenshots and information. It’s looking good, bro.
Link: PSP Weekend Warrior
Okay, so everyone’s generally happy that MaTiAz and Davee put back some light into the scene — and in a big way. But somehow, it still brought about some sad vibes, particularly over at Team Noobz. “Obsoleted,” as he would call it, Fanjita posted a “mixed feelings” post on their blog, but in the end congratulates and wishes all the best to the other devs and their breakthroughs on the PSP 3K. Such dramz. And there’s a whole lot more, so check out what went down at the PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior.
Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior
It was a big week for Sony yet again as we get multiple updates for all the big titles set to come out this year. Even Hideo Kojima himself helped stir up things a bit as he asks, “Do you really want a Zone Enders 3?” Well, what did you say to that?
Oh, and that “electrifying announcement” that they were gonna reveal on the 27th? That’s just been busted, thanks to the box of inFamous carrying the Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta Voucher. But hey, maybe there will be more to that.
Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior
Two words: Finally. Japan. After how many years of mediocre existence in Japan, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 finally breaks free from its cocoon and flies off as a pretty large… erm.. butterfly. With one million Xbox 360 sales under its wings.
Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior
We’ve got the Wii MotionPlus making some noise with a few bundles and the *ehem* biggest pre-release markdown you’ll ever see. Also, we’ve got another of those fake purchases, this time, with a kid buying a DS only to find only rocks inside the box.
Link: WiiDS Weekend Warrior
If you still had any doubts as to the iPhone attracting developers, then this week should prove to be an enlightening one for you, doubting Thomas. Dev upon dev came out with their games on the App Store, beefing up the already meaty selection. And more are promised to be lined up for release in the coming weeks. How’s that touch control going so far?
Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior
Industry News:
Yeah, we found it weird, too. After all, we’re just about ready to enter the month of May already (that’s only seven months away till the new year!… o_O ), but it’s only now that Famitsu named and awarded their “Bests” for the year of 2008. Find out who baked their cakes and ate them too.
Link: Famitsu Awards 2008 winners named, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G is Game of the Year
This would be a terribly great news if it turns out real. Especially for those who have been scrimping up on their cash. And that was quite a list, too. Go on, click on that link if you haven’t heard of this one yet.
Link: Best Buy to sell PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS and PS2 games for just ten bucks?
No doubt about it, Square Enix is one of the most accomplished publishers we have around today. If you have any doubt as to the veracity of that statement, just check out the rundown of their worldwide lifetime sales for their top franchises. See if you can beat that.
And speaking of Square Enix, it finally got the nod of the court to officially take over Eidos. Final and executory. Let’s see if they’re gonna shape up Lara into something new.
Link: Square Enix’s worldwide lifetime sales for top franchises revealed
Link: Court approves – Square Enix officially taking over Eidos
Now how about for some good old parental pressure? You know, the one where you’re threatened to not get dessert the rest of the week if you don’t perform well in your chosen activity?
A six year old was beaten up by his father because he allegedly failed to meet his dad’s standards of a “good performance” in a videogame. Totally “what the eff” news.
Link: Dad beats six year old son for poor video game performance
Of course there’s got to be another study to “clarify” some more the psyche of gamers. This time, it says that there’s one in every 12 young gamers who show video addiction. Hey, that number surprisingly isn’t bad.
Conversely, it means that most gamers still have social lives — or at least attempt to have one. Or, it could mean that hardcore gamers really are a minority, and that in fact, its the casual gamers who are the majority.
If that’s the case, then Nintendo was doing it right all along. Are you sure Ninty didn’t get their hands on this study before they started developing the Wii?
Link: Study – one in every 12 young gamers show video game addiction
John Madden retires, gets lots of well-wishes, “will surely be missed” lines, and — a lawsuit. It won’t be a pleasant farewell for the iconic sports announcer as former NFL players are harping angry to the courts about how they were used for the Madden franchise without proper compensation.
And where do you think you’re going, EA? You’re in on this too.
Link: EA, Madden to face lawsuit from retired NFL players
QJ Front Page:
It was the calm after a whirlwind of a week for the homebrew community, but that doesn’t mean there was nothing else to talk about. For issue #11 of our weekly features, we focused our sights on one of those whom we could call the “devs of the new wave”. The Who’s Who Edition of the QuickJump QuickGuide goes full blast this week, starting off with the silent but deadly MaTiAz.
As for the How-Tos, it will be overtaken by the Who’s Who Edition for a few weeks, but not before we capped it off with a quick how-to guide on converting your PS1 games to PSP eboots. Not to worry, though, the How-To guides will be back, it’s just out for a little break now.
Link: QuickGuide #11 – Who’s Who Edition: The silent but deadly MaTiAz
Link: How-To #11: Converting PS1 games to PSP eboots
We try our best to do as we promised. And since we did promise you Free Realms beta keys, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing the past week. The response from you lot has been overwhelming, so much so that it’s all gone as of yesterday.
To those of you who weren’t able to get, we’re real sorry we ran out of stock for you. Maybe next time you’ll get one in time? As for those who did get them, hope you are enjoying! Again, thanks much!
Link: QJ Giveaway update: Free Realms beta keys start rolling out today!
Comment of the Week:
Hands down. This made our week. We love poetry. Dremth gave it to us. I admit it could have been more sophisticated, but, yeah. We lol’d. And for that, you get some Moo!
From New BioShock 2 direct-feed screenshots, Big Sister concept art
And that’s all we have for you in our 69th issue of QuickJump QuickPeek. We hope to see you all again next week for another exciting week of recaps!
Keep ’em jumping!