QuickJump QuickPeek 75: Let’s not get sucked into the whole “E3” thing
Shocking title? No, not really. That’s not meant to bash the E3 2009 event. After all, it was a HUGELY successful one, and we’re really happy for ESA that it all worked out so well. After all, it was only last year that they were practically declared clinically dead by the industry. And it was a big comeback they sure showed this year. BUT. All that you’re gonna see here are news items and industry happenings that did NOT happen at E3, although not necessarily with absolutely nothing to do with the stuff that went down in LA. Hopefully you’ll still read up on this one despite that limited scope. There is life beyond E3, after all. *wink*
Shocking title? No, not really. That’s not meant to bash the E3 2009 event. After all, it was a HUGELY successful one, and we’re really happy for ESA that it all worked out so well. After all, it was only last year that they were practically declared clinically dead by the industry. And it was a big comeback they sure showed this year.
But again, let’s stick to the title and not get sucked into the whole E3 thing. That’s because, as am sure you all know and expect by now, we’re having another QuickJump QuickPeek Special Edition especially dedicated for the event.
So all that you’re gonna see here are news items and industry happenings that did NOT happen at E3, although not necessarily with absolutely nothing to do with the stuff that went down in LA. Hopefully you’ll still read up on this one despite that limited scope. There is life beyond E3, after all. *wink*

Link: PSP Weekend Warrior
The PSP homebrew scene kept chugging along in the background while E3 2009 took the spotlight, but right towards the end of the week the scene got an adrenaline shot right in the arm with the release of custom firmware 5.03GEN-A for HEN. With this release, PSP-3000 owners finally get a CFW made for their handhelds. The 2000 owners weren’t left in the lurch, as the CFW also works on PSP-2000s. That’s just the tip of the homebrew iceberg, though.
Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior
The biggest PS3 news this week? The lack of a PS3 price cut announcement. We also didn’t hear anything about the PS3 Slim. The software side of things fared a bit better, and ironically enough, the biggest news this week — jump-wise — was the arrival of a 12-year old game on the PSN and the impending PSN release of another title from 11 years back. You know what I’m talking about.
Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior
You’d be surprised at the amount of games update we saw this week for the Xbox 360 blog that are – you guessed it! As per our QuickPeek theme this week – NOT E3 related. And there were some cool XBL happenings, too, like being Guiness’s Most Popular Online Service. A lot of other industry news items like promotions, the whereabouts of Rare, and since they can’t help it, devs and publishers’ take on the MS E3 Press Con. Phoeey.
Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior
If you’re reading this, I’m sure you would be expecting Nintendo news spanning across E3. But since we’re doing a QuickPeek feature on E3, we’re gonna stick with the news outside the Electronic Entertainment Expo for now. Besides, there’s still some non-E3 info that you might wanna catch up on, especially this week’s lineup of great homebrew, so you can get those on this week’s recap.
Link: WiiDS Weekend Warrior
With E3 kicking in full blast this week, the non-E3 posts on the iPhone blog fell silent, apart from Knights Onrush and the latest rumor on the new iPhone. Don’t worry though, there’s gonna be more on the E3 QuickPeek. For now though, the iPhone Weekend Warrior falls short of warriorship and may have to settle for being the weekend squire for this week.
Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior
So what is the industry saying after all the hullaballoo at E3?
- Activision’s Bobby Kotick, for one, says he’s disappointed that we didn’t get those price cuts. Yeah, we’re kinda bummed out about that too. Link
- Meanwhile, Patrick Suderland of EA says he likes Project Natal, Sony’s got a great lineup of games this year, and the Xbox 360’s maxed out. But he meant it in a good way. Link
Agk! It’s still E3-related!
QJ Front Page:
Okay, you want the dibs on the E3 Press Conferences for the big three? We can’t deny you that. So you’re getting it. Of course, not all three conferences were unanimously received with high fives and loud cheers from fans all over, much like our Post-Game Reports. But that’s the industry for you. Always full of insights and opinions that everyone can learn from. You just gotta learn to shake the sting off, really.
Microsoft at E3 2009:
- Microsoft Press Conference Post-Game Report Link
Nintendo at E3 2009:
Sony at E3 2009:
Well that was kinda futile, I’d have to say. We did end up giving you the lowdown on E3 after all. But we just can’t help it!!! It was like watching The Hills. Or Beverly Hills 90210. Not that we watch any of those things. Really. (right, Karl? ;P)
Now this. The E3. This was our reality for this past week. And so there’s no more point in holding off the inevitable. Our QuickPeek Special Edition for E3 2009 is coming right up. Stay tuned for that.
Keep ’em jumpin’!