QuickJump QuickPeek 83: Getting our fair share of slim industry pickings, games making up for lying low
Surprisingly, we’ve got quite some bare pickings from the industry this week. Guess what comes down must go up. If last week we’ve had software/hardware dilemmas in terms of quantity, this week, we’ve got them updates by the truckloads, and the Industry News section takes the backseat.
Surprisingly, we’ve got quite some bare pickings from the industry this week. Guess what comes down must go up. If last week we’ve had software/hardware dilemmas in terms of quantity, this week, we’ve got them updates by the truckloads, and the Industry News section takes the backseat.
It’s still a hefty QuickPeek issue, though, thanks to the issues and controversies that we never run out of. We’ve got delayed games (a whole lot of them), announcement of new ones/ revival of old ones, more of that hardware rumor (no point going Slim on them, if you get my drift), and confirmations of supposed rumors that yes, they are indeed rumors.
What an entertaining bunch of Warriors we’ve got

Link: PSP Weekend Warrior
The various coders working on JPCSP have done some rather excellent work on this Java-based PSP emulator, and it seems they’re showing no signs of slowing down. This week alone we saw three revisions pass through these pages. Same thing with everybody working on bringing more and more homebrew to the PSP-3000. A pair of 3000-centric homebrew apps were released this week as well, including one that let CFWEnabler users to play PSX games. Read on for the rest of the PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior.
Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior
Have you heard? The PS3’s manufacturing costs are now down by around 70%. Will Sony be able to parlay it into a price cut? Nobody knows except for the company’s bigwigs, and they aren’t telling us anything. Not yet anyway. Hey, at least we know that there’ll be new controller colors come October. That, and the fact that there are still loads of great PS3 titles lined up, some of which made waves on the PS3 blog this week. Read all about ’em in the PS3 Weekend Warrior after the jump.
Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior
It doesn’t seem to be like a very upbeat week for software as waves upon waves of delays crashed against our Xbox 360 doorstep. Not to worry though, these delays do not mean there’s nothing to keep Microsoft’s unit afloat. Find out what they are after the jump.
Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior
The previous week may not have seen much official word and quotable quotes from Reggie or any of the other Nintendo bigwigs, but if you’re keeping tabs on upcoming Wiixclusives, this edition of the Nintendo Weekend Warrior will hook you up with the right read. Some big brews also got updates earlier this week, so read on for all the news and updates.
Link: WiiDS Weekend Warrior
Our iPhone blog is certainly growing bigger with every week, and you can see that with the variety of iPhone posts we’ve got this week. We’ve got apps and games, news from Apple, accessories for you iPhone, and of course, news about the OS, hacks, and homebrew. SImply put, if it’s about the iPhone, you’ll find it here. Whatever your iPhone news needs, we’ve got it right here, so read up on the iPhone Weekend Warrior.
Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior
Industry News:
Genealogy charts can be a tad interesting, especially if it’s about one of the most loved gaming icons. This week, we had exactly that in the form of Mega Man’s twenty-two years of existence in the industry — all in one huge chart. The challenge was given out, and it was megaStryke who answered. See his final product in the link below.
Link: Twenty-two years of Mega Man in one huge chart
Ubisoft is so sick and tired of piracy crippling the industry that they are setting their foot down to fight it off. Their weapon: an anti-piracy system tool that’s more likely to be an internal solution. Guillemot also discussed the tactical strategies they employed for each platform, saying that the consoles are generally not as problematic as the PC is, that the situation has gotten really bad for the DS, and that this is in fact the reason why they kept their distance from the PSP — but that they’re now ready to come back and jumpstart that Ubisoft-PSP relationship again.
Are we getting a new Tekken movie soon? According to actor Darrin Henson, who is said to play the role of Raven, yes. And not just some vague “soon” at that. It’s set for this October, so he says.
Link: Raven actor lists Tekken movie for October ’09 release
Both Konami and Kojima are off to Cologne for the GamesCom in two weeks’ time. What do they have to offer? Why, their big games of course, as well as some presentation of the games. They’ll also take time to give interviews to the press, so hit the link to find out what’s in their luggage.
And then we have Square Enix Europe putting out their list for the Cologne event. Included in their list are Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Batman: Arkham Asylum, on top of four other FF titles too.
Link: Konami and Kojima announce their GamesCom lineup
Link: Square Enix announces GamesCom 2009 game lineup
Soon after the GamesCom event in Europe, we will then be setting our eyes to Asia for this year’s Tokyo Game Show to be held in September. Spearheading the men in executive suits is none other than Sony Computer Entertainment’s Kazuo Hirai for the opening keynote speech.
Link: Doing the honors: Kaz Hirai to give keynote speech for TGS 2009