Quiet as a mouse: TetriAbetes Soft Soundset

Tetriabetes v1.43 - Image 1All in the name of Tetris! Yesterday, a mod was announced for PlayStation Portable homebrew developer dragula96’s TetriAbetes. Now, a different coder is out with more improvements. Over at the QJ PSP Forums, coder bitwreck let us in on Tetriabetes Soft Soundset. What’s new with this release? Head over at the full article.

Download: Tetriabetes Soft Soundset
Visit: QJ.Net PSP Development Forums

Tetriabetes - Image 1

is alive and kicking in the Playstation Portable homebrew scene. Developer dragula96‘s own rendition of the falling blocks game, TetriAbetes, has just spawned a mod of its own yesterday. Now, coder bitwreck is releasing a different set of improvements for the classic game with TetriAbetes Soft Soundset.

With blessings from dragula96, bitwreck‘s TetriAbetes Soft Soundset changes the music and sound effects files of TetriAbetes in order to keep its volume softer and lower. Coder bitwreck made these changes so the game can be played even if someone is sleeping nearby.

bitwreck tells us to simply replace the sound folder with the TetriAbetes Soft Soundset. Just to make sure, bitwreck also advises us to keep a back-up of the original sound.

Thanks bitwreck for the heads up!

Download: Tetriabetes Soft Soundset
Visit: QJ.Net PSP Development Forums

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