Rabbids on 360: camera use and mini-game details

Rabbids and cameras - Image 1IGN reports that Ubisoft‘s Rayman Raving Rabbids is set to make an appearance on Microsoft‘s Xbox 360. The X360 version is reported to include the core gameplay but the 360 version will add some graphical tweaks and some exclusive mini-games.

The X360 version is reported to take advantage of the Xbox Live Vision camera for “gesture control” and is set to allow you to interact with the game through your body movements. 37 of the 70 plus mini-games is said to use this feature, including the dance and the FPS games.

Exclusive mini-games include Bunnies Don’t Play Basketball and Bunnies Don’t Play Rock, Paper Scissors.

Given the number of Wiimote-related incidents due to players getting way too immersed in the gameplay, we now wonder if we’ll see a number of XBL Vision camera-related accidents. Of course, the camera probably won’t be used the way that Rabbid on the right does.

Rayman Raving Rabbids is set to invade the Xbox 360 next month.


Rabbids and cameras - Image 1IGN reports that Ubisoft‘s Rayman Raving Rabbids is set to make an appearance on Microsoft‘s Xbox 360. The X360 version is reported to include the core gameplay but the 360 version will add some graphical tweaks and some exclusive mini-games.

The X360 version is reported to take advantage of the Xbox Live Vision camera for “gesture control” and is set to allow you to interact with the game through your body movements. 37 of the 70 plus mini-games is said to use this feature, including the dance and the FPS games.

Exclusive mini-games include Bunnies Don’t Play Basketball and Bunnies Don’t Play Rock, Paper Scissors.

Given the number of Wiimote-related incidents due to players getting way too immersed in the gameplay, we now wonder if we’ll see a number of XBL Vision camera-related accidents. Of course, the camera probably won’t be used the way that Rabbid on the right does.

Rayman Raving Rabbids is set to invade the Xbox 360 next month.


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