Recovery Editor v3.0
Developer Red-Squirrel visited the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the release of Recovery Editor v3.0 This PC-based app will allow you to customize the visual appearance of the recovery menu of your PSP’s CFW 4.01, and more. Further details are available in the full article.
Download: Recovery Editor v3.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
Developer Red_Squirrel visited the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the release of Recovery Editor v3.0. This application is basically a Windows XP/Vista-based program that will allow you to edit the Recovery Menu and VSHMenu colors of custom firmwares 3.90, 3.95, and 4.01.
As for the rest of the details on this app’s changes since its past builds:
- v3.0
- Added the possibility to change colours of CFW 4.01 M33 Recovery Menù.
- v2.0
- Added some new discovered “B” values to 3.95 Recovery Menù colours editor.
- Possibility to change colours of CFW 3.95 GEN VSHMenù (every color with ALL values, A-RGB!).
- Possibility to see a preview of RGB colours.
- Possibility to convert decimal RGB colours in HEX RGB colours and vice versa.
- Possibility to see a picture with an explanation of various Recoveries sections that you can edit in the program!
- Possibility to choose if editing existing PRX or creating new one.
- Added a function to randomize all values.
- v1.0
- Compatible with CF 3.90M33 and CF 3.95GEN Recovery Menù
- No PRX needed. Program will create them by itself!
- Compatible with Windows XP and Vista.
- No installation required!
Keep note that you will need .NET Framework 3.5 loaded on your PC to run Recovery Editor v3.0. Other important notes for this application are available in the file bundle’s readme – be sure to read that before attempting to use this program. Those interested in sending their feedback will want to visit Red_Squirrel’s release thread at the QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
Download: Recovery Editor v3.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum