Red Steel sequel confirmed
With endless Red Steel 2 rumors practically exclaiming its arrival, the Official Nintendo Magazine finally confirmed the Red Steel sequel which is currently being developed. To shed more light on the issue, head on to the full article.
It’s been a back forth, hit and miss issue regarding Ubisoft‘s first-person shooter Red Steel. But after a slew of much speculation, the Official Nintendo Magazine has finally tacked down the debate and confirmed that, yes, a Red Steel sequel is indeed in the works.
The scan of the article of the Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) revealed that the Red Steel sequel has actually been in the works for quite sometime. Ubisoft ‘s only aim to maintain a low profile when it came to details about the game was that it wanted to be able to create a more “polished’ game and include the feature that everyone was looking for in the original version: online gaming.
Sadly, nothing more could be said about Red Steel’s sequel. Ubisoft has neither revealed the final name for the sequel. If you’d like to sneak a peak at the aforementioned article scan, head on over to the link we’ve provided below.