RedOctane taking orders of Wii Guitar Hero III Les Paul Guitars
So you just can’t stand it playing RedOctane‘s Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock with only one wireless guitar? Well, news has it the the publishing company is currently taking orders for the the GH III Les Paul guitars for the Wii console. Find out more after the jump!
Rocking out to the tunes of Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock is always fun when shared with people. If you find it a bit boring playing the game with only a single guitar, then you might want to add one more to your stash and consider RedOctane‘s offer for the Les Paul Guitars exclusively for the Wii console.
Now these guitars feature interchangeable faceplates which let you customize the look of your guitar to help you bring out the rock star hidden in all of you. Do take note that these guitars are priced at US$ 69.99.
The package being offered by RedOctane has one Guitar Hero wireless Les Paul Guitar controller, a Les Paul Guitar faceplate, Guitar Hero sticker pack, and a standard one-inch wide guitar strap.
The expected time of release for this controller is on March 15, 2008. Also, there’s also a limit of one guitar per customer. More updates to come!
Via Red Octane