nexis2600 has stopped by our forums to let us know about the current state of region coding on Xbox 360 titles now that the console has launched in Japan. Here’s what has been determined so far:
US Games (confirmed region-free)
Ridge Racer 6 (region-free)
Call Of Duty 2 (region-free)
Quake 4 (region-free)
Condemned (region-free)
Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland (region-free)
Gun (region-free)
Amped 3 (region-free)
USA Games (confirmed not region-free)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (not working on JPN Sys)
Kameo (not working on JPN Sys)
Perfect Dark: Zero (not working on JPN Sys)
Japanese Games (all games)
Ridge Racer 6 (complete english, not region-free)
Perfect Dark Zero (complete english, not region-free)
Every Party (not region-free)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (not region-free)
If you have any information to add to this list, please leave a comment and let us know what you’ve found.
nexis2600 has stopped by our forums to let us know about the current state of region coding on Xbox 360 titles now that the console has launched in Japan. Here’s what has been determined so far:
US Games (confirmed region-free)
Ridge Racer 6 (region-free)
Call Of Duty 2 (region-free)
Quake 4 (region-free)
Condemned (region-free)
Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland (region-free)
Gun (region-free)
Amped 3 (region-free)
USA Games (confirmed not region-free)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (not working on JPN Sys)
Kameo (not working on JPN Sys)
Perfect Dark: Zero (not working on JPN Sys)
Japanese Games (all games)
Ridge Racer 6 (complete english, not region-free)
Perfect Dark Zero (complete english, not region-free)
Every Party (not region-free)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (not region-free)
If you have any information to add to this list, please leave a comment and let us know what you’ve found.