Research and Markets studies into global gaming

Research and Markets Global Gaming Databook - Image 1

Through a published databook about subscriber growth by platform and region, Research and Markets tapped into the actual global view of how game platforms are performing in areas around the world. And get this folks: they say the that Playstation 3 cannot equal the market impact of its predecessor because of Xbox 360’s early lead.

And before you all start ranting again, we’d like to ensure you that R&M does see a positive outlook on the PS3 (in fact, they highlight that the PS3 will have the largest install base by 2010), just not one equal to the Playstation 2. This is due to the delay of the PS3’s launch in the PAL region and the early launching of the Xbox 360.

What does this databook contain? Well, there are pricing strategies of all major console manufacturers since 1985 up to 2006. There are also uptakes, or consumption predictions until 2010, for all gaming console units including handhelds. Some of the findings from the databook include that the video game market is undergoing significant transformation with the introduction of the next-generation consoles.

While this databook is not available for public viewing, anyone can order it online. To do that, just click on the “Read” link provided below.

Research and Markets Global Gaming Databook - Image 1

Through a published databook about subscriber growth by platform and region, Research and Markets tapped into the actual global view of how game platforms are performing in areas around the world. And get this folks: they say the that Playstation 3 cannot equal the market impact of its predecessor because of Xbox 360’s early lead.

And before you all start ranting again, we’d like to ensure you that R&M does see a positive outlook on the PS3 (in fact, they highlight that the PS3 will have the largest install base by 2010), just not one equal to the Playstation 2. This is due to the delay of the PS3’s launch in the PAL region and the early launching of the Xbox 360.

What does this databook contain? Well, there are pricing strategies of all major console manufacturers since 1985 up to 2006. There are also uptakes, or consumption predictions until 2010, for all gaming console units including handhelds. Some of the findings from the databook include that the video game market is undergoing significant transformation with the introduction of the next-generation consoles.

While this databook is not available for public viewing, anyone can order it online. To do that, just click on the “Read” link provided below.

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