Resident Evil: Archives set to arrive in June?
Reports have been going around the Intarwebs that Resident Evil: Archives have been listed by retailers for a June 2009 release, and packaged with Resident Evil: Zero. Check it out after the jump.
Reports have been going around the Intarwebs that Resident Evil: Archives have been listed by retailers for a June 2009 release, and packaged with Resident Evil: Zero.
Not much information’s been found on this, save for this circulating picture of a GameStop computer system, clearly listing RE: Archives. Apart from that, the only other info is that it will be priced at US$ 29.99.
Some are saying this deal isn’t so bad if it turns out to be true, while some are not that gung-ho about it since it appears to be a mere re-packaged version of the Wii versions released a couple of months back in Japan.
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Via Go Nintendo