Revolution Interface : Fake Revolution Interface

Well its been some time since we have shown fake videos, but somehow they just seem to be part of the fun in waiting for the actual console to arrive and being able to enjoy it in person. In this latest mock release, titled “Beta Revolution Boot” The video looks to be low quality ( the initial amateur identifier). While Nintendo has always used somewhat basic menus, efficient and non flashy, this video looks too basic for even Nintendo’s work. Nice try, but I think until we get closer to the Revolution launch, hopes of seeing the Revolution in action anytime soon, prior to playing it in our homes or seeing a video of a few games booting in a few months is slim to none.

View : Fake Revolution Boot Video

Well its been some time since we have shown fake videos, but somehow they just seem to be part of the fun in waiting for the actual console to arrive and being able to enjoy it in person. In this latest mock release, titled “Beta Revolution Boot” The video looks to be low quality ( the initial amateur identifier). While Nintendo has always used somewhat basic menus, efficient and non flashy, this video looks too basic for even Nintendo’s work. Nice try, but I think until we get closer to the Revolution launch, hopes of seeing the Revolution in action anytime soon, prior to playing it in our homes or seeing a video of a few games booting in a few months is slim to none.

View : Fake Revolution Boot Video

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