Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday: patch 1.4.2 done

NCsoft's Tabula Rasa MMORPG - Image 1The Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday article for January 11, 2008 is now out. The developers from NCsoft announced that they’ve already finished creating a new update for patch 1.4. In addition, they also gave word of a few surprises this Chinese New Year and the upcoming rewards for the three month veterans.

Want to know more? Check out the full article.

NCsoft's Tabula Rasa MMORPG - Image 1NCsoft has just posted the Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday article for January 11, 2008. The developers gave word that they have already created a new build for patch 1.4. In addition, they also announced an event they have in store for Chinese New Year, as well as the rewards for the three month veterans.

According to the post, the developers finished up the latest version for patch 1.4 called 1.4.2. The update is already going through final testing and should be up and running on the public test servers by next week.

Come January 25, a new operation will be opened: Sanctus Grotto (Level 50). Here, players will be given entrance to this Forean spiritual retreat. It is said that there is a subterranean temple hidden here, which houses an ancient and valuable Eloh relic.

And then on February 7, the Tabula Rasa community can expect to greet this year’s Chinese New Year with a bang. Each player will be getting Black Cat, Blue, Orange, Red, and Yellow fireworks in their backpacks when they log in.

Finally, for the three-month veteran rewards, it has been announced that players who have been around long enough to avail of these rewards will be getting an old school Tabula Rasa Kirin mask and a /robot emote.

Like most Feedback Friday articles, various questions from players were also answered. If you’d care to see these, feel free to follow our source link for more details.


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