Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup: Operation Washington, more

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa MMORPG - Image 1Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup for the week ending on February 25, 2008 is now out. In this week’s report, the results for Operation Washington have been revealed as well as a new contest. To find out more about this update, head on over to the full article.

NCSoft Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa MMORPG - Image 1NCsoft has released the Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup for the week ending February 25, 2008. It seems the week was pretty quiet with the exception of Operation Washington and a new contest.

Operation Washington, which was held last Friday, had players from Orion defending the Mires Outpost against multiple Bane attacks. The bloody raid which claimed the lives of many heroic individuals was lead by an exiled AFS Officer known as Daggers.

Eventually, the AFS contingent assigned to the area defeated Daggers and his crew and were able to protect the important intel located in the base. The files are now with the High Command and are in the process of being deciphered.

In addition to the success of the latest operation, the developers from NCsoft also took the time to invite all players with active accounts to join the Base Announcement Contest. This contest which started last February 25 has gamers thinking of an announcement that might make it into the game.

The first place winners will get to have their entry recorded professionally and placed in the game. Then eight runners up will also receive some Tabula Rasa merchandise and have their entry posted on the official RGTR website.

In case you want to check out this week’s Richard Garriott‘s Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup for yourself, feel free to follow the Source Link below. Keep checking back here at QJ.NET for the latest MMORPG and Tabula Rasa updates.


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